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I crawled into the bed with her, pulling her fully crying body into my chest.

I kissed her head, rubbing her back.

I saw Calum enter, more than confusion on his face.

"The family remarks are a little-upsetting" I explained slowly, making him tilt his head, moving close, sitting by her back and rubbing her shoulder gently.

I swallowed hard- feeling the lump in my throat- feeling the urge to cry

I never had a second to actually process that she had left me.

I wasn't enough for her

And all I wanted was her

"I know it's hard, man" Calum spoke, making me blink my tears away.

"But it was a toxic relationship- and you knew that, you just didn't want to acknowledge it because of her" he spoke, placing his hand on Vanessa.

"If she's willing to leave her abused child with four men she only knew for close to a year- she was willing to do the unthinkable" he continued.

"And that's why we're best where we are. We have Vanessa- she's fully taken care of, has everything she's ever asked for- we're growing and learning how to accept what happened and make it positive"

He patted my arm gently

"I know you lost your girl, but look at this" he almost whispered

"Considering the fact that when we first met her she barely make eye contact and wouldn't walk past us- to this" he spoke, motioning to how I was holding her tightly, her head tucked away and into my neck.

"We've came a long ass way and everything happened for a reason."

"Are you trying to make me cry?" I let out a small laugh, using my free hand to rub my eyes.

"I'm just trying to get a point across" he laughed back.

"You and Vanessa will both have days where you miss her, but Luke- you're her fucking protection blanket" he emphasized.

"You break- she breaks, you assure her that everything is going to be okay- she's going to believe you"

"I can make everything okay"

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