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I helped Calum nurse Luke's headache and hangover symptoms almost all morning.

He was miserable.

"Tylenol" I mumbled, setting it in his hand once he needed to take more, hearing him thank me.

As he tilted his head to drink water with it, I saw a pretty good size hickey on his neck.

"You have a hickey" I laughed out lightly, seeing his eyes widen as he looked to me.

"A hickey?" He questioned quickly, making me nod, lightly touching the spot.

"Fuck" he groaned out, falling back into his pillow.

"I have patients to meet Monday- I can't have a fucking hickey" he spoke at a fast pace.

"There's tricks for that"

"I'm not going to ask how you know this" Luke spoke as I brushed over his hickey with a toothbrush, watching it slowly fade away.

"Best that you don't" I responded before giving him a nod.

"You're good" I smiled to him.

"Thank you" he exhaled, kissing my head before helping me off of the counter.

three weeks later.

The guys had made it an every weekend activity to go out and party.

Not that I was mad about it, but I didn't enjoy having to fight my anxiety every single weekend due to different people being forced to babysit me.

I was distant from Luke, he had brought home girls- not that, that was a bad thing- it's what I wanted, but yet- I didn't want to be stuck in the past while he moved forward.

The guys didn't notice anything, they thought this was all normal, which it was- I just wanted them to be home more.

"Going out again?" I asked Luke, looking to him from his bathroom doorway.

"Yeah" he grinned, seeming actually happy.

"Who's coming here for me?" I asked.

"Drew" he spoke, referring to an intern that had stayed with me before, making me slowly nod.

"Did you get your homework done?" He asked me, referring to my online school.

"No" I spoke slowly, knowing I didn't understand what was going on right now.

"You need to get that done, straight A's" he reminded me, kissing my head firmly before turning back to his mirror, spraying cologne.

"Are you meeting that same girl?" I asked him, knowing he had been meeting one girl for the past few weeks.

"I think she'll be there" he spoke.

"Bringing her home?" I asked him, seeing him glance to me slowly

"What's with all the questions?" He laughed lightly.

I shrugged
"We haven't talked in a little bit" I spoke, watching him turn to look at me.

"We talk-" "about school and your work." I interrupted him, keeping him from saying a lie.

"Vanessa-" "I'm not guilt tripping you, I'm just asking you questions so that we can catch up." I spoke quickly, seeing his eyebrows move together as he slowly nodded.

"How have you been?" He asked me.

"Good" I shrugged lightly.

"You?" I asked him.

He smiled
"I've been good, I think I'm finally over everything"

I wish I could say the same.

"We're all really happy, and that makes me happy" he smiled, pulling me into a tight hug, making me hug him back.

"Yeah, same" I mumbled into him.

Soon the five of us were downstairs, the guys welcoming Drew inside.

"You know the drill, right?" Ashton laughed out as Calum sat beside me on the couch.

"I do" Drew laughed out.

I received hugs and head kisses from everyone, who then walked to the door.

"See you soon, princess"


"I got an email saying you got your report card, why didn't you show me it?" Luke spoke the words I dreaded him saying, knowing I was dead over the current D I held in math.

"Cause" I hummed lightly, sitting at his desk chair, trying to read a story for English.

"Show" he spoke.

"Luke I'm doing homework-" "why are you stalling?" He asked me, leaning against his own desk.

"Bad grade" I mumbled, not looking to him.

"Thought so, show me."

I clicked out of my homework, going to where my report card was shown, clicking on it and turning the computer to him.

I watched his eyes scan the screen, exhaling deeply.

"I have all A's besides math-" I tried to cover my ass as Calum entered.

"I want all A's in everything, Vanessa" Luke spoke sternly, rubbing his face slowly.

"Sorry" I let myself exhale.

"I mean- do you need a tutor-" "no, I'll figure it out" I didn't want to work with anyone, cause with my luck- they'd only be able to find guy tutors.

"I want this up by next week- it doesn't have to be an A, but I don't want a D, if it's not up, we're figuring something out, okay?" He spoke sternly, making me slowly nod, feeling tears in my eyes just from the thought of needing to get my grade up by next week.

"I'm proud of you for the other grades, my smart girl" he spoke, kissing my head firmly before his pager went off, making him leave- leaving Calum.

"Need help?"

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