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Author's note: It is a short update, but I wanted to get it out to you guys. Thanks for reading :)


 I kept looking over my shoulder as I crept down the hallway. I held onto the banister when I got to the stairs. I bit down on my lip when my weight went onto one of the steps. A loud creak echoed through the house. My heart was pounding in my chest when I took each antagonizing step.

When I got to the bottom, I ran straight down the hallway toward the door. I grabbed the handle, but it didn't turn. I pulled back on my handle with my weight, but the door didn't budge. I let out a deep breath as I looked down at the lock. I could see the slot were the key was supposed to go into.


I jumped when I heard my name. I spun around, but no one was behind me. My breathing was heavy. I threw my hand over my mouth to try and silence myself.

I was expecting the stairs to be creaking as Jared came downstairs. A light scratching noise came from the living room. I stepped forward and peered into the room.

Theo was sitting on the couch. His sketchbook was on his lap, and he was gliding his pencil over the paper. A lamp was behind him, and provided a faint glow. He looked up at me, and my heart sank when he raised his eyebrow.

"What were you-?" he started to say.

"You can't tell, Jared," I cut him off.

I ran over to him, and got down on my knees. My hands were clasped my hands in front of me. I never thought I would be on my knees begging someone, but here I am. If Jared knew I was trying to leave he would definitely punish me and my sore body could not handle it. Theo stopped sketching.

"Please," I said. "Please, I promise I wasn't doing anything. I just couldn't sleep and I was bored."

"I don't blame you for trying to escape," Theo said. "Jared can be overbearing."

I furrowed my brows at him. This wasn't the response that I was expecting. I thought he was going to drag me up the stairs to Jared. Theo chuckled at my expression.

"Don't look so shocked," he said. "I'm sure you hate him."

"I think it is messed up," I said. I wanted to scream about how much I hated Jared, but I was sure Theo would tell him everything I said.

"It is messed up."

My jaw dropped.

Was there finally someone who was not brainwashed in this house?

"It is," I said nodding my head. "You have to let me out of here. Please, you know this is wrong."

"Dad would kill me if I let you out of the house," Theo said. "You wouldn't get far before he found you anyways."

"Come with me," I said. "Get out of this house with me. They're going to get you a girl. You know this is wrong. Don't let someone else get sucked into this too."

"I was hoping the day would just never come, but I may be able to persuade Dad that I don't need one."

"You don't want a wife?"

Theo let out a deep breath before slamming his sketchbook close.

"Let's just say it does not interest me to have one," he said.

"Are you-?" I started.

"Don't say it."

Theo's jaw hardened as he grit his teeth. He held his book up against his chest. I could see the ends of his fingers were smudged with black.

I gave Theo a soft smile. He was my only potential ally in this house. Lindsay was far too gone, and I don't think I could undo the brainwashing Gabe has done to her. Theo would be easier. He did not want a wife. Gabe is so obsessed with these traditions that he would kidnap him a girl no matter what Theo said. I could convince Theo to get us out of here before that.

Theo confessing to me that he was gay had to mean something. He must have some kind of trust in me. They just kidnapped me and he is confessing something to me. It is probably something Gabe would beat him for if he heard. He had to have some trust in me.

"Leah, what are you doing?"

I looked over my shoulder to see Jared. He had on a pair of sweats, but no shirt so I could see the key dangling against his chest. It was taunting me. It was so close in my grasp, but I knew I could not get it.

"She couldn't sleep," Theo said. "So we were talking."

"I didn't ask you," Jared said.

"He's right," I said. "I couldn't sleep, so I got up to get a glass of water. I saw that Theo was up so we started talking."

"Theo never wants to sleep," Jared said. "He stays up all night drawing those stupid pictures."

"You don't deserve Leah," he said.

"Just be quiet, Theo." Jared snapped his fingers. "Leah, come here now."

"I'm not tired," I said. "I want to keep talking to Theo."

"Leah, get over here now."

I wanted to jump up and tear his throat out. I let out a deep breath to control myself. Theo's eyes were locked on mine as I got up. I walked over to Jared with my head down. He grabbed my chin and forced his lips against mine. I didn't even bother trying to push him off of me. I just stood frozen until he stopped.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs and into his room. The blankets were in a tangled mess on top of the bed. Jared pulled me down onto the bed. I curled up in a ball facing away from him. Jared let out a deep breath. The mattress shifted as he settled his weight down onto the bed. He wrapped his one arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest. He placed a kiss on the back of my head.

"Why were you talking to Theo?" he asked.

"I couldn't sleep," I said.

"Why not talk to me?"

"You were asleep."

"No, I mean why do you never talk to me. I'm your husband. You are supposed to be wanting to spend your time with me."

"Don't assault me, and maybe I will want to spend more time with you."

I gasped as Jared tightened his arm around my waist.

"Don't disrespect me like that," he said. "I never want to hurt you, Leah. I love you. But sometimes you misbehave and I have to punish you."

I bit my tongue so that I didn't give him a sarcastic response. When Owen would piss me off I always made some kind of remark. Owen, as awful as he was, would never hit me like Jared does.

I wonder if Owen ever went looking for me. He had to. There was no way he would just let me wander around a strange city for days. I wonder if his bandmates joined in and were all looking. Did he call my Mom? Did he try to figure out if she knew where I was? If my Mom heard I was missing she would definitely be blowing up my phone with messages and voicemails. She probably has reported me missing. People had to be actively looking for me.

Someone was walking down the hallway, and then a door clicked shut. It must be Theo finally going to bed.

"Leah, I love you so much," Jared said before kissing the back of my head again.

I was not going to be here much longer. This was all going to seem like a bad dream soon. I just had to keep reminding myself of that.  

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