Sobs and Cries

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I wiped my wet hands on my jeans as I ran up the stairs. The screaming continued, and I recognized it as Lindsay's. Theo's door was wide open. I ran into the room to see Lindsay was kneeling beside the bed. Theo's eyes were closed, and Lindsay threw herself across his body. Lindsay was crying as she clung to Theo's body.

I was standing frozen in the doorway. Theo didn't move as Lindsay cried on his chest. I squinted to see that his chest was no longer rising every few seconds. Theo was not breathing.

I got on my knees next to Lindsay. I grabbed her shoulders and tried to pull her off of Theo's lifeless body. She shoved me off. I grabbed her arms, but she pushed me away.

"He can't be dead," she said. "My baby cannot be dead."

"Lindsay-" I started.

"No," she cut me off. "No, this can't be happening to me."



I reached out again, but she batted me away. I held my hands to my chest. Lindsay laid her head on Theo's chest and squeezed her eyes shut. It looked like she was praying to hear a heartbeat. She whispered incoherent words to herself before letting out another cry. I wanted to run out of the room, but I did not think that I should leave Lindsay alone.

I took in a sharp breath when the realization hit me. Theo was my way out of this house. He was the only one with a key who would let me out of here.

The key.

Theo still had the key around his neck. If I got Lindsay out of this room, I could sneak back in and take Theo's key. Lindsay was so distraught that she would not notice if I slipped out of the house. Jared and Gabe were out back, so they would not realize I was gone until I was far away.

I got up off of the floor. I placed my hand on Lindsay's back as she sobbed. I rubbed her back, and she shook her head.

"Let's go down to the kitchen," I said. "You need a glass of water and some tissues."

"I can't leave my baby," she said.

"He will be up here," I said. "I want to help you calm down."

Lindsay lifted her head off of Theo's chest. She hastily wiped the tears off of her face. She took in a deep breath before getting up off of her knees. She leaned down and kissed Theo's forehead. When she turned around, she pushed the strands of her hair that have escaped her ponytail out of her face. Her face was pale and her eyes were bright red. She did not say anything, but held her hand out. I took it, and we walked out of the room together. We made our way down to the dining room, and Lindsay sat down in her usual spot at the table.

Lindsay opened her mouth to say something, but shook her head as the tears rolled down her cheeks. She covered her face with her hands as she cried.

"This can't be happening," she kept repeating.

"I'll be right back," I said. "I'll get you a glass of water."

I hurried out of the dining room and made my way up the stairs. I could hear Lindsay's crying from upstairs. Her cries were so loud it sounded like she was right next to me. I went into Theo's room and walked towards his body.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered before pulling the key off from around his neck. His skin was cold to the touch. I smiled as I held the key out in front of me. I was finally going to have my escape. I shoved the key into the back pocket of my jeans.

When I got back down to the kitchen, Lindsay was still wailing. I poured her a glass of water from the tap. I sat it down on the table beside Lindsay. She wrapped her arms around my waist. Her tears soaked into the thin material of my shirt. She cried out, but I could not understand what she was saying.

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