The Big News

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Author's Note: short update, but I wanted to get an update out. I have a new book out called Harold's Haunted House. Please give it a read and comment your thoughts. I love you all!


 Jared had been treating me like I was made out of glass for the past week. He helped me with everything he could and he would come inside a few times a day to check on me. The nausea had yet to leave my stomach. It made cooking difficult as the smell of dinner would turn my stomach.

During dinner, everyone was quiet. Gabe cleared his throat and we all looked at him sitting at the head of the table. He swallowed his food before setting down his fork.

"I have some news," he said.

"What is it?" Jared asked.

"I got a letter from Colin," he said. I recalled that name as one of their cousins. "Annabelle died giving birth to their son."

"That's horrible," Lindsay said.

My hand went over my stomach. I hadn't thought of the possibility of dying while giving birth. Surely, I would not be able to go to the hospital. I would only have Lindsay to help me out.

"I know," Gabe said. "I've decided that you and I are going to go to Florida to help them out. He is there alone, so he is going to need your help to take care of the baby."

"What about my baby?" I asked.

I was relying on Lindsay. She was the only person I had to help me through this pregnancy. I couldn't lose her.

"Leah, you need to not question me," Gabe said. "Emme will be here to help."

"Emme has never had a baby," Jared said.

"Yes, she has had daughter's," Gabe said. "She knows what it is like to be pregnant. We will come visit when the baby is born."

Jared put his hand on my thigh. He could see how tense I was. I let out a deep breath and looked over at Lindsay. She was staring down at her plate and pushing her food around with her fork.

"I am making this decision for the family," Gabe said. "Colin needs our help, so we are going. It will be good for your mother to take care of a baby again."

"Why doesn't Dylan go?" Jared asked.

"You know how unpredictable Hannah is," Gabe said. "She's tried to kill herself multiple times. She can barely take care of her own children."

"It'll be okay," Lindsay said. "Leah, you will be a great mother."

"We're leaving the day after tomorrow," Gabe said.

"So soon?" Jared asked.

"Yes," he said. "Julie also sent me a letter. Jimmy is supposed to get out of jail next month. They may be able to help."

"You trust Julie enough?"

"No, but I trust Jimmy."

Lindsay sighed and started to clear the table. I got up and helped her as Jared and Gabe continued to talk. Lindsay dropped the dishes into the sink before she turned to hug me. She sniffled as she rested her chin on my shoulder.

"Leah, I'm going to miss you so much," Lindsay said.

"I can't do this without you," I said.

Lindsay pulled back and cupped my face with her hands. A few tears were rolling down her cheeks. I bit down on my lip to stop myself from crying.

"It's going to be okay," she said. "We have to trust their decision."

"I'm scared," I said. "I don't know what to do during this pregnancy."

"Emme will be able to help you. She has had a few daughters."

They mentioned that Emme had never had kids. She never brought any children over with her the few times that I have met her. Her babies must have died. I was afraid that would happen to my baby without Lindsay's help.

Lindsay hugged me again before letting go and going over to the sink. She started washing the dishes. I held onto my stomach and looked over at the dining room to see Jared and Gabe were still talking to each other. I let out a deep breath before helping Lindsay dry the dishes.

While I was drying the last plate, Jared slid his arms around my waist. I put the plate in the cupboard and then he kissed my cheek.

"We should get you to bed," he said.

I spun around in his hold. My back was pressed against the sink. I looked to the side to see that Lindsay was in the dining room with Gabe.

"Can I talk to Lindsay for a bit first?" I asked.

"Why do you want to talk to Mom?" he asked. "And you know you're not supposed to be asking questions. I think it's best for you to get some rest."

"I want to talk to her about the baby while I still can."

"You have time to talk to her tomorrow. Okay?"

My eyes darted over to Gabe and Lindsay. He had pulled her onto his lap and she had her face buried in his neck as he rubbed her back.

"Okay," I said.

Jared kissed my temple before grabbing my hand. He pulled me up the stairs and into our room. He insisted on helping me get changed out of my clothes and into one of his T-shirts. I crawled into the bed and Jared laid the blankets over my body. He sat on the edge of the bed.

"Aren't you coming to bed too?" I asked.

"I need to talk to Dad," he said. "I'll be back soon."

I nodded my head and closed my eyes. I listened as Jared walked out of the bedroom.

I had trouble settling my mind as I attempted to fall asleep.


Gabe and Jared had brought up suitcases from the basement. I helped Lindsay fold all of their clothes and pack them away. I spent the entire afternoon asking Lindsay every question I could think about pregnancy and childbirth.

When the boys came in from outside, Lindsay and I were finishing putting the food on the table. Gabe kissed Lindsay before keeping his arms around her.

"This is our last dinner together as a family for a while," Gabe said. "I think we should all get dressed up."

"All of our clothes are packed away," Lindsay said.

"I'm sure you can easily find a dress," he said. "Let's go up to our room."

I watched Gabe and Lindsay go up the steps. Jared kissed my temple before running his fingers through my hair.

"Did you talk to Mom today?" he asked.

"Yeah, I did," I said.

"Are you feeling a little better?"

"Yeah, but I am still nervous."

"It's going to be okay, sweetheart."

We went up the stairs to our room. Jared went through the closet and pulled out a dress. I changed out of my clothes and slipped it on. It was a sundress with a pattern of swirls of blue and white.

Jared pulled out a dress shirt and buttoned it up. It was weird to see him out of his usual T-shirt and jeans. He smiled at me, and I did the same.

"You look beautiful," he said.

"Thank you," I said. "You look uncomfortable."

"Yeah." Jared stretched his arms like the shirt was suffocating him. "I never wear this shirt."

I giggled and got up on my toes to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.

"Let's get downstairs before the food gets cold," he said.

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