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Just when I thought we were making progress, he goes and says something like this. I thought he was giving in to the mate bond a bit. Does he really mean that I won't be able to go back to the Mystic Pack? I am just so confused, and the fact that my own mate thinks of me as a prisoner in his pack just gives the tears threatening to coat my face the momentum to be set free. However, I wasn't going to let him walk away from me this time after saying something like this again. I will not let him treat me like I am a piece of trash he could throw away whenever he wanted.

I rushed out of the room hoping to get the answers I needed.

"Alpha! Alpha Axel, wait. Stop walking, turn around, and talk to me right now," I said, surprised that my voice didn't waver.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I didn't realize that I have to answer to commands from someone without the ability to hurt a fly. I am the alpha here. This is my land. Behave as such," he remarked as he turned around to face me. The words escaping his mouth felt like they were poison to my ears. 

On some level, I really hate that this is how my mate sees me, just a weak person with not able to demand respect. I am not some vulnerable person, I am a strong woman who is willing to be a Luna of his pack. 

"Listen, I am done with this whole back and forth thing between us," I finalize.

"Back and forth thing?"

"Yeah. You know, you say something mean, I cry, you do something nice, I feel better, then you say something mean again, and I cry, and so on. So, here is how this is going to go. I refuse to be a 'prisoner' here," I say forming air quotes around the word prisoner. "If you don't want me to be your mate, just let me go. And you can just act like the last 24 hours didn't happen. Okay?" Even though these words probably hurt me more than they hurt him, I think I am better off without him in the long run. His heart isn't in this.

"No," he shrugged ready to walk away. No to what? No to being my mate? No to letting me go? This is not an answer damn it!

"Stop being so indifferent about all this!" I yelled as I punched his shoulder. I didn't realize the gravity of what I had done, until I saw his reaction. His pupils had dilated, and his wolf was threatening to claw his way out. A low growl reverberated through the hallway we were in. I quickly retracted my fist and brought my hand closer to my body, massaging it. I think my punch physically hurt me more than him, but what I had done was a big mistake, whether it had inflicted pain on him or not. I knew I should have probably said something to get myself out of this situation, but I was too scared to speak.

"Get out of my face."

This one sentence was enough to trigger my fight or flight response because the second he said it, I had bolted back to the room and shut the door. My entire body was shaking. I don't know whether it was because of anger, fear, or adrenaline or a combination of all three. What I did know is that I need to get out of here. Mate or not, he was an asshole who should have treated me as an equal but only sees me as a nuisance.

I need to get out of here. I made up my mind. But, how? He probably has some of his warriors and guards all around the perimeter. But, if I were to leave right now, he wouldn't know until it was too late. He hasn't marked me yet, so he won't feel me leave if I cross the border. I simply have to make it there.

I took a minute to gather myself and stop shaking. I doubt he is still in the hall and all the exits to the house are unlocked right now. This is the perfect time to slip out without anyone noticing or drawing attention. I will leave when it is still some light out, which will help me navigate my way around, although it was getting dark pretty quick.

I took a deep breath, opened the door to my room and looked outside. The coast was clear. I was able to make it all the way to the front door without drawing any attention. Good thing none of the pack members here knew that I could have been their Luna.

With way more determination that I had this morning, I opened the door and headed out. 

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