Princess Moment

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I stayed rooted in my spot, not moving. My eyes were staring at my shoes, scared to look up and see the disapproving looks on everybody's faces.

I was waiting for Axel to say something.

To tell them all to fuck off.

To tell them that he is choosing me.

To tell them that I am more important than a stupid Alpha position.

To tell me that he would give up the world just to be with me.

But, no words came out of his mouth.

Why? Why is it taking him so long to decide? I should be more important than the Alpha position. I am his mate, and he told me he loved me. He marked me and made me his. And now, he doesn't want me anymore? I was so hurt. So broken. So shattered. That is all he ever does. Just hurt me.

I let a few tears escape because I knew what he was going to say. I knew he was going to pick his Alpha position over me. After all, that is what he said he would do when we met a couple months ago. I lifted my eyes and looked up at him. I didn't want everyone to see my tears. But, I also wanted to see my mate one last time before I left. Goodbye, Axel.

And then, I ran. I didn't want to hear the ugly words come out of his mouth as he rejects me in front of the entire pack. I picked up my speed as I moved away from the crowd and towards the house. I need to pack up whatever crap that belongs to me here and go. I have to leave. There is no way that I am staying here. Not after this happened.

"Calista wait," I heard a voice in the distance. But that just made me go faster. I need to get out of here!

I entered the house in a hurry and went straight to 'my' room. I grabbed my dad's phone and credit card. I packed a bag with a couple of shirts and pants and was about to leave the room, when I noticed Corrine standing in the doorway.

"So, you are just going to leave?" Corrine said.

"Yes, what else am I gonna do? I failed at the Trials, my mate doesn't want me, and my mark will fade eventually and so will the mate bond," I answered back.

"First of all, you could stay here and figure something out with Alpha Axel, okay! And you don't know that your mate doesn't want you, because you didn't give him enough time to react. You just bolted out of there," her voice was rising.

"I thought you didn't even like him," I said.

"I don't like him! But, you can't just expect him to not be shocked about what had just happened. He needed some time to think before just making a decision that will impact his entire life."

"Exactly! He had his entire life to think about what he would do in a situation like this. That was enough time, and I don't think he needed more," I yelled back at her.

"Fine but what about you? He marked you, and your wolf is attached to him. If you leave, you will be in constant physical and emotional pain until the bond is completely severed. You know that can take years sometimes. It is better for you if you stay here. That way the bond will break on its own but won't cause either of you any pain."

"Corrine, how can you expect me to stay here? My entire existence screams for him, and what am I supposed to do? Watch him find another woman, make her his Luna, and have a family with her, while I am just sitting around feeling sorry for myself. No! I have to go. Excuse me," I cried as I shoved past her and out of the room.

"How are you going to leave? If you go outside the entire pack will see you go. And then you will have to deal with all of that. Just let everything calm down, talk to Axel, then decide what you want to do together," she reasoned with me.

"There are other ways to get out of Blood Venom Territory without being noticed," I told her.


I led Corrine down a couple sets of corridors and finally made it to the hall with the oddly shaped brick that I once found while roaming the halls of this place. She didn't say a word, but my constant sniffling said enough.

"What are you doing?" she asked dubious.

"Well, there are secret underground tunnels all over the territory. If I use them, nobody would know when and how I left." I informed her through tears.

"How do you know about this?"

"Mason took me through one of them when I first got here. But, then I was helping Axel with paperwork one day and saw the entire plans for the tunnels. I don't think he knows that I know about them though," as I finished talking, I finally found how to open the passage door into the tunnel. I watched as Corrine's mouth dropped as the doorway opened.

"Alright, I'm going to go. If anyone asks you, tell them that you don't know where I am or how I left. Also, make sure you don't mention the tunnels. This is a pack secret that not even the Council knows about. Be quiet and don't say a word about this," I warned her and hugged her.

"Cali, I don't know if this is a good idea. It is really dark in there," she said worried.

"Don't worry, I can use my phone as a flashlight. Tell mom and dad not to worry about me. I will be off the grid for a while, just taking some time to myself. I won't be replying to anyone or communicating with my phone," I told her getting ready to leave.

"But what if there is an emergency? And how long do you plan on being missing? This isn't fair to mom or dad. You know how worried they will be."

"Alright, if there is an emergency, then text me, but the less contact the better. I need my space," If I don't respond, then something is wrong on my end too. And tell our parents not to worry. I am old enough to take care of myself."

"Okay, be safe," she agreed.

I waved goodbye and smiled back at her, finally finding the strength to stop crying. I turned the flashlight app on, and closed the door to the tunnel.

I silently cried as I walked around the tunnels, heading to the edge of the Blood Venom territory. I had a general idea where I was. After all, there were signs with directions everywhere.

I dried my tears and blew my nose, and kept walking. However, I was starting to get tired. It has been a very long, stressful day.

Suddenly, I felt someone place a hand on my mouth and another hand grab my left arm. My body was locked against this person's body. I couldn't move, I couldn't scream. I couldn't do anything.

What's happening?

Love you! 

--Micky :) <3

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