New Friend

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I was too tired, my legs were killing me, and I desperately wanted to go to Axel's house and sleep. However, I think I was completely and utterly lost, and I felt as though I kept going in circles around the mall. It was a beautiful place, but it was a maze.

"You seem lost," a soft voice called out from behind me. I was almost creeped out until I saw a girl about my age approaching me.

"Yeah, I guess I am. I am really bad with directions," I sheepishly said.

"I'm Erin, and I will help you out. My shift is done, and I was going to head home anyway," she sweetly offered.

"Are you sure, I don't want to bother you."

"Yeah it's not a problem. I don't get it though, there are so many exits to this mall. I can't believe you couldn't find your way out." She smiled at me and nudged me slightly.

"I was trying to find my way back the way I came. I am trying to get back to the Blood Venom Pack and I saw that there was a path on the way here that leads to the pack," I responded, biting my lip. I knew that sounded stupid. But, I thought that I wouldn't get lost if I planned my way back.

"Oh, what a coincidence, that is my pack, I am going there. I can drive you if you want."

I wasn't really sure if I wanted to accept a car ride from somebody I have never met. I think she could feel my hesitation because she said, "Come on, I am only trying to be nice. I promise I won't bite." I tried to think what the best course of action would be here. The last time I was lost and blindly followed someone, my life shifted upside down. Do I really think that it is a good idea to just go with her?

"I don't know, I mean thanks for the offer, but I think that if you could just show me the way, that would be better." I really didn't want to hurt her feelings at all but I am trying to learn from my mistakes.

"Sure, no problem. I never got your name."

"Calista Jesson, nice to meet you," I said offering my hand for her to shake. As we walked we talked about our packs and families. I tried to keep things simple, as I didn't really know her, but she was just so easy to talk to. And after everything that went down with Jade, I was glad to find someone like her to talk to at the end of the day.

"So, what is in the bag?" she asked curious.

"It's a secret," I said slyly. I didn't really like talking about things before they happened so that they don't get jinxed. "But, when I do plan on sharing the very top secret info that I carry in this bag, you will be the first to know," I promised, smiling at her.

"You better tell me, I think I have earned that right." We both laughed and finally exited the mall. I recognized the exit and saw the path that was on the way to the car.

"Why is there a path all the way from the Blood Venom Pack to the mall, Erin?" I thought that malls, stores, hospitals, and chain places were supposed to be on shared territory, and all packs benefit from them.

"I thought you knew; this mall is technically on Blood Venom territory. I don't know exactly how it happened or keeps happening, but Alpha Axel keeps gaining more territory, legally. This is actually really good for the pack because the mall brings in huge amounts of revenue for the pack, especially since it is the fanciest one in the area," she informed me. No wonder he let me come out her with Andrea and Jade; I was still on his land. "Alright then, Calista, I am going to head to my car. Are you sure you don't want me to drive you?"

"Yeah, totally sure. But, just to make sure, I have to stay on this path and then I will make it back to the pack," I inquired, making sure. I didn't want to have another episode of what happened about a few weeks ago.

"Yep, and here is my number," she said, grabbing my phone and punching it in. "If you need anything or feel lost, just call me and I will come get you. Okay?"

I hugged her then headed on my way. It felt good trusting her. But it was really dark, and I was worried that I wouldn't be safe. However, if this really was Blood Venom territory, the possibility that rogues would be out and about was slim, so I calmed down and headed back to the house. The moon looked absolutely beautiful and it illuminated my way, making me feel slightly safer than having the darkness completely engulf me.

It was 1:30 in the morning when I finally made it back, and my legs were killing me. I just remembered that I don't really have the key, which might mean that I locked myself out. But, to my luck, the door was open. So, I slipped in, went upstairs, took a shower, and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of pans clanking on the floor. Since I was startled when I woke up, I didn't feel like going back to sleep. So, I took care of my bathroom duties and then went downstairs for breakfast.

After having my breakfast, I got a note from a pack warrior that Axel wanted to see me in his office.
Well that can't be good.

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