Author's Note:

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The book would make a lot more sense if you read "IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO READERS #1 and #2." So, don't skip these parts!


Some people don't like the female lead because she isn't "strong enough" and she is "too weak" according to their standards of what makes a woman strong.

PSA: It is okay if a girl isn't strong enough or is weak or she cries. There's nothing wrong with that. Not every girl is strong and powerful and can hold her own all the damn time. Life is hard and sucky and it can break any person. It's about learning, reflecting, and growing and improving yourself that shows strength of character. 

I am a feminist and I support all women, no matter their circumstance. When writing my book, I tried to craft well-rounded women from every angle. There's the feminine woman and mother who runs her pack and takes on the Alpha role, and there is the weaker woman who is a bit more fragile and looks at others for guidance. I have strong female characters in my book. I have bitchy female characters in the book. I have weak female characters in my book. That is FINE. Feminism doesn't mean that every single woman has to show up guns blazing all the time. 

My female lead is learning how to be comfortable with herself and take up her space, how to be strong, how to control her emotions. She gets better as the story progresses. I'm sure you've met someone in your life that isn't as strong and sometimes lets people walk all over them until they reach their breaking point. 

So please, if you don't want to read the book, don't. But my female lead is the way she is because she has lived in a sheltered environment her whole life not needing to ever step out of her comfort zone. She is reserved, anxious, and has avoidance issues. She tries to be strong but it backfires. And that is okay. Her character is flawed and that is the point because nobody is fucking perfect. If that's not your cup of tea, read a different fucking book!

Anyways, if my rant didn't turn you off, please carry on reading. I'm not this bitchy during the remainder of the book. I'm just fed up with certain comments.  

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