Shouldn't Have Done That

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I was surprised to see that what was inside the box was what looked like multiple journals. This looks really private, maybe I should just put it back and leave. However, a part of me was really nagging at me to take a look. I guess I agreed with that part, because the next thing I find myself doing was picking up a journal and opening the cover.

To my surprise, a couple pieces of paper slipped from the cover and landed in my lap. Picking them up, I saw a picture of a beautiful blonde woman, propped up behind a man, hugging him with her arms wrapped around his neck and resting on his chest. She was utter perfection. After admiring her creepily, I glanced at the man she was with. He looked like an exact replica of Axel, except his eyes were a dark brown, and his smile showed a dimple on his left cheek. These must be Axel's parents. Their happiness in the photo was contagious, and I couldn't help but showcase a smile of my own. However, it was a bittersweet moment, because I realized that these happy people are unfortunately dead now.

I picked up the rest of the pictures that were all the previous Alpha and Luna's photos. I wonder what happened. I don't get it. They seemed perfectly happy, so what caused their death?

I grabbed the last photo and saw that it was the Alpha and the Luna, holding a happy baby boy. My heart swelled at the picture, seeing my mate as a child so happy with his family. He was such a cute baby!

Even though I wanted to keep looking at my mate's baby picture, the journal on the ground next to me held so much promise. I picked it up from the ground next to me and flipped to the very first entry.

May 23rd, 1992

Dear Diary,

Arabella here. I decided to start this entry in a new journal because I have just started a new and hopefully the happiest chapter of my life, and I can't wait to share it with you.

I found my mate! This is so exciting. He is the Alpha of the Blood Venom Pack. I know. I know. I am mated to the Alpha of one of the strongest packs in the world. He isn't really known for being the nicest guy. But, I think these were all just false rumors. He is absolutely amazing! We have only known each other for one day, and we are completely in love. He calls me Bells instead of Arabella, and I think it is the cutest thing.

Today has been so hectic as it was the first day of the Full Moon Nights at the Blood Venom Pack, so I am going to call it a night. Luckily, it was a success.

I will keep you updated with the newest info about Christian and I.



That was such a cute diary entry, and I hated myself for flipping to the next page, but I was getting addicted to this. I promised myself that I would only read one more entry and then put it back in its place.

May 24th, 1992

Dear Diary,

Arabella here. Today was probably the most tiring day of my life. In a good way though. Chris was so excited that he and I found each other, that he has introduced me to so many of his friends around the pack.

We ate out today and he showed me a lot of the pack territory. He kept calling it "our" pack. Already. I was so happy that he accepted me as his mate so quickly even though I am a normal werewolf and he is an Alpha.

He is in the shower right now, and I have a feeling that we are going to seal the deal tonight and mark each other. I am so nervous, but I am excited to be having this experience with my mate who adores me.



"Wait a minute," I thought out loud. "Shouldn't Arabella do the Lunar Trials before they mate?" Wanting to know the answer, I flipped to another entry.

May 25th, 1992

Dear Diary,

Arabella here. It is morning. I know. But I had to get this off my chest because I feel like I am going to burst. I am no longer a virgin. I am officially a mated werewolf. Last night was probably the best night of my life. Chris was so gentle, and perfect, and talented, and—don't tell anybody this—well-endowed.

Last night was exactly what I hoped it would be, and it melted my heart when Chris told me that he waited for me. It was an impeccable, memorable experience for the both of us. I am so happy I did this with him.

He is calling me over, so I have to go. I will keep you posted.



Putting aside the fact that what I read was probably too personal for me to intrude on, I felt very heartbroken. Axel lied to me. He said that we couldn't mate because I had to pass the Lunar Trials to let me be a Luna. He said that this is what every other Luna and Alpha of this pack did. He lied. His own parents didn't do that. I thought I was making progress with him. I thought he was opening up to me. Turns out, he was just being selfish. I was so upset that this is the way my mate treated me. I was fed up with Arabella and her perfect mate, Chris. I shut the journal, put it in the box, and shoved the box back into place.

I went upstairs and landed in my bed, feeling depressed. Axel looks exactly like his dad, but he is nothing like him.

I woke up the next day after a restless night. As usual, I used the restroom, had my breakfast, then went to Axel's office to start my training for the day. Normally he was waiting for me in the backyard, but when I checked I looked through the kitchen window, I couldn't find him there. I was still very upset with him, but I had agreed to do the Trials, so I will.

As I approached his office doors. I heard his voice through the doors, but he didn't sound happy at all.

"Listen, Alpha Henderson," I heard my mate firmly state. "I understand that your daughter is missing, and I am your last resort. But I am not running a charity here. I have a strict system for providing other packs with my services. All other Alphas know this. If you want me to have my men help you find your daughter, you have to give us something in return. I don't see why I should deplete my resources and put my men in any kind of danger, if the Blood Venom pack getting compensated in return. So, if you disagree to give me the piece of land that can help me extract oil, then the deal is off."

No way. There is no way Axel just said those words out loud.

I barged into the office, snatched the phone from Axel's hands and said, "Hi Alpha Henderson. I am so sorry about your daughter. The Blood Venom Pack would be very honored to help you look for your daughter. I am sorry for what you just heard from Alpha Axel, he had a really uncomfortably large stick shoved up his asshole, and I think we were just able to get it out. I think Beta Mason will contact you in a little bit to hash out the details with you. I hope you find her in the best possible condition."

"Are you serious?" Alpha Henderson asked me obviously surprised.

"Yes, completely. Have a good day and good luck," I concluded the call.

However, after I put the phone handle back into its spot. I saw that Axel's body was shaking and he was resisting the shift. His eyes were glowing, and his fingers were gripping his desk like it was his lifeline.

Uh oh. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. 

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