11|| Divulging the Disguised.

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I can see through you

See your true colours

'Cause inside you're ugly

You're ugly like me

I can see through you

See to the real you

~Outside by Staind


ROSALIND KEPT RUNNING AND running, not glancing back for once. She felt miserable, disgusted, she just witnessed the future of the darkest wizard to ever exist. His darkness even surpassing that of Grindelwald's.

She wished she wasn't Rosalind Bonaccord. She wished she wasnt a Seer. This isn't a gift, it's a curse.

Rosalind reached her destination panting out of exhaustion. She stood by the railing of the Astronomy Tower, gazing at the stars.

"Now why, is such a sweet, beautiful lady escaping by herself to this lonely tower?" The husky voice of Zhelyazko Vandalov rang around them, making Rosalind stiffen in shock.

Her night was made even worse. Couldn't the poor girl have any chance of peace by herself?

Tom Riddle still lurked in the hidden shadows, not interfering in their conversation yet set on gaurd in case Vandalov tried anything.

"Go away, Vandalov," The Seer spat, not sparing the Bulgarian boy a glance.

"It's about time, Rosalind. I finally caught you alone, without raising suspicions," He murmured softly, almost fooling her with his feigned innocence.

"Wh-what do you w-want?" She stammered, finally turning around to face him. Not even Zhelyazko could deny that she looked dazzling in her silver dress.

Tom gripped his wand in his hand cautiously and curiously watching the pair ahead.

"I have come to warn you, my dear. You see, the dark lord isn't going to give up easily. You must have already known that due to your experience," Vandalov was now stepping closer and closer, and with each step, Rosalind pushed her back harder into the cold concrete of the Tower. She wished she could just dissolve into the material and escape Vandalov's company.

"Warn me about what?" She managed to ask, extremely nervous as to what would happen next. The last time ended with a dead uncle and a tortured mother.

"You see, my lovely Rosa," She scowled at the nickname he tarnished, before he continued, "The Dark Lord wanted the assistance of your mother and your uncle. Both descendants of Merlin, and one a Seer that would help him in his future plans; your family was a good treat. Yet as you already know, they both refused. The Dark Lord gave them a lot of chances, a lot of treasures in return, but your foolish mother and uncle declined. And that, sweetheart, was what caused one of them to die –so pathetically and cowardly– and the other to get tortured into insanity. It is nothing but the cowardice and the stubbornness of your pathetic family that sealed their fate." By the time Zhelyazko had finished his speech, Rosalind was uncontrollably sobbing. She just got back the painful memories of her previous summer.

Tom resisted the urge to curse the Bulgarian into oblivion, to murder him in the most brutal ways possible. Yet he couldn't help his bewildered shock at the new discoveries, the painful past of Rosalind Bonaccord.

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