24|| Undesirable Lures.

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It's affection always,

You're gonna see it someday

My attention for you

Even if it's not what you need

~Affection by Cigarettes After Sex


THE TRAIN RIDE WAS relatively quiet later on, so much that Rosalind managed to fall asleep on Abraxas' shoulder, a notion he found so amazingly blissful. Abraxas couldn't ignore the way his heart fluttered when Rosalind laid her head on his shoulder, but Tom wasn't exactly very happy.

With every ounce of his will, he held back the urge to torture Abraxas into oblivion. It wasn't just about Rosalind, it was the fact that the Malfoy heir was starting to look smug as if Rosalind had just chosen him over Tom. He seemed to be rather proud that she was acting intimate towards him, after weeks of silence.

When the train was close to coming to a halt, Abraxas woke Rosalind up softly and caringly, so much that Tom could almost puke.

The train screeched, signaling their cue to exit. Rosalind remained silent as she got up, and waited for the rest of the Slytherins to exit until it was just Tom, Abraxas and her.

"I'm going to talk to Willow." Her tone was firm and final, her voice slightly hoarse after just waking up.

"Don't be late," Tom snapped, which Rosalind completely ignored and left to find her best friend. Tom's animosity made Abraxas roll his eyes exasperatedly.

"I don't see why she stays with you when you treat her like this," Abraxas muttered, infuriating Tom all over again. Did he have a death wish?

"Abraxas, you're crossing the line, you know. I'd watch my words and my actions if I were you," Tom spat even more venomously, glaring straight into Abraxas' eyes, who was slightly taller. Tom wasn't only referring to his previous statement, but to the way he was disgustingly acting very intimate with Rosalind.

Abraxas wouldn't dare open his mouth again, so he preferred to make his way out the compartment and the train, avoiding Tom till the end of the holidays.

But as he was halfway outside the compartment, Tom interrupted him, saying something that made him stop dead in his tracks. "Oh and Abraxas?" The blonde boy turned around reluctantly, "Touch her again, and I'll cut your arms off."

He gulped, before practically sprinting out of the train in fear. Tom smirked to himself with the satisfaction of successfully scaring Abraxas off.

Rosalind on the other hand, was having trouble finding the redhead. She was certain after looking around the train that Willow had already exited to the train station.

She desperately thought of an excuse for her sudden disappearance, but found none convincing.

"Rosalind! Where have you been, you idiot?!" The French blonde smiled upon hearing her best friend's voice. She turned around immediately, enveloping Willow in a hug.

"It's a long story. Anyways, enjoy your holidays, I'll miss you!" The redhead looked startled to say the least. She didn't have any chance to reply since Rosalind had already disappeared to find her luggage, and Tom.

"Your suitcase is with me," Tom said quietly, after making his way to her. "Let's leave now, I don't want to catch much attention."

Tom handed Rosalind her luggage, holding his in his right hand. And to her utter astonishment, Tom interlocked their fingers, leading her outside the train station.

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