Sequel Announcement

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Upon Albus Dumbledore's request, Rosalind Bonaccord cannot help but go back to England, back to where it all started. He asks her to stop the growing monster, but the task is deemed impossible when she meets Tom Riddle all over again. He's much more charismatic, magnetic, electric.. and Rosalind finds herself in the dilemma of choosing between the Wizarding World's safety and the man she loves. Tom is completely submerged in darkness by the time she encounters him again, and she realises that perhaps the Devil's sins are too numerous for him to be redeemed, after all.

You can find the sequel to this story called 'The Dark Side' on my profile along with my other works. I do appreciate you giving it a read, because I generally suck at synopsises :/

Thank you so much! and until we meet again,


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