16|| Stars and Firewhiskey.

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Draw closer to me,

even closer than

the stars look at night,

and we'll make

constellations of ourselves.

~Robyn Petrik.


ROSALIND WALKED INTO THE Great Hall that Sunday evening only to find Tom Riddle standing by the entrance, waiting impatiently.

He was leaning towards the wall, his ankles crossed and his hands tucked in his trousers' pockets.

Tom smirked coolly upon her arrival, and she couldn't help but smirk back.

"You never showed up for lunch." He said smugly, straightening his posture. His hands were still tucked in his pockets, and Rosalind struggled not to check him out flirtatiously. He was looking incredibly attractive- nothing new.

"I was quite morose. Did you miss me that fast?" She asked teasingly, tilting her neck upwards slightly to look at him.

"Don't flatter yourself, Bonaccord. I have a message to deliver," Tom answered quite tauntingly as well.

Their constant banter seemed to always lift up her mood. Although Tom was incredibly dark and wicked at times, he seemed to transform into a completely different person when with Rosalind.

And surprisingly, Tom enjoyed their bickering as well

"Oh, so you finally decide to stick to your undeniable talent in being a full-time owl. Well, do enlighten me," She replied, her hand on her hip and her foot tapping on the ground impatiently.

Tom looked her up and down, his smirk growing wider. "Slughorn wants to invite you to his Slug Club gathering, held every Friday night."

"Definitely thrilling." She drawled sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Absolutely," Tom muttered equally as sarcastic. "These meetings with the clack-box will bore you to death."

"Well it would be rude to decline, wouldn't it?" Her question was rhetorical, but Tom scoffed nonetheless.

What momentarily distracted her however, were the dirty looks she received from Oliver and Willow as they passed by. They both glared at her, and she felt her stomach sink.

"I might as well leave now, I have important business to do." He said rapidly, and with a swish of fabric, Tom Riddle disappeared.

"But don't you want to have dinner?" Rosalind asked but to no avail, Tom was already gone.

She sighed hopelessly as she headed to the Ravenclaw table. She sat down silently, taking an apple and biting into it.

Rosalind took a moment to glance around, and she noticed how a few students around her were whispering discreetly. They seemed to to stop talking immediately when they noticed her intense glare.

Rosalind wasn't daft, it was obvious that they were talking about her. And she knew the reason very well.

It felt like a sharp knife was struck into her heart when she noticed how Willow and Oliver were chatting and laughing among their sixth year friends, without a care in the world.

the devil's redemption [tom r.]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ