20|| Only a Girl.

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WHEN SHE FINALLY ARRIVED at the Room of Requirement, Tom was not there. The Knights had previously gathered up and were waiting for their 'lord' to show up.

It was actually quite funny, how everyone seemed so different when Tom wasn't around. Surprisingly, the Knights chatted among eachother like actual normal people.

And watching all these Slytherin Knights act all friendly towards eachother, was what confirmed to Rosalind that she really didn't belong there. She was left out, but she didn't feel bad about it. Instead, Rosalind felt the need to stay away from all of them.

Technically, Tom wasn't late. It was still five minutes till Midnight and Rosalind could only assume that he wished to arrive 12:00 a.m. sharp. It was that night that Tom had made a mistake, for he should've arrived earlier, perhaps controlling what was about to unfold between his Knights.

"So, Bonaccord, how are things going with you and Riddle after the meetings?" Lestrange quipped, wriggling his eyebrows at Rosalind mockingly.

"I was about to ask you the same question actually. How are things going with you fantasising about Walburga Black?" Rosalind was actually seething from Lestrange's little comment. Well she couldn't help it, she wasn't known for holding her temper.

"So you don't deny that you're being Riddle's whore, do you?" Lestrange retorted smugly, trying to hide his hurt from Rosalind's previous question.

"I wouldn't challenge her if I were you mate." Evan Rosier said jokingly, but somehow serious in his warning to Lestrange. The latter must've known better than to deal with Rosalind's wrath.

"What could she possibly do? She's only a girl." Lestrange sneered, and a few of the Knights sniggered at his taunts. Surprisingly, however, the three other girls that attended the meeting didn't seem offended in the slightest. They enjoyed taunting Rosalind no matter what, even if the insults were indirectly offending them too.

"Go ahead, underestimate me. That would be fun." Rosalind murmured calmly, setting Lestrange slightly off edge.

"I'm not underestimating you love, I'm only stating facts: you're quite useless. You're only a stupid girl," Lestrange replied, pushing Rosalind's patience further and further, till it actually vanished.

"Well let me show you what 'only a girl' can do," Rosalind stood up from the black couch threateningly, wearing the most intimidating look she could muster.

Roderick Lestrange didn't seem affected at first. But as Rosalind got slowly closer to him, his sneering mask faltered, showing a look of slight fear and wariness.

Rosalind pulled her wand out slowly and menacingly, pointing it at Lestrange who immediately flew back - and off his seat - without a single word uttered. He landed on the floor of the room with a loud thud,as his weight met the ground.

The other Knights were too blinded by cowardice to actually stand up for their friend, so they remained silent as they watched the duel about to unfold.

Well, it was more of an attack, seeing as Lestrange already had no chance.

"Levicorpus!" And with that single spell cast nonverbally, Lestrange was dangling -by his feet- in midair.

The look of pure shock and fear on his face was what amused Rosalind most, as she contemplated her next attack.

Despite his upside-down position, Lestrange was visibly trembling, already aware of what he was about to suffer from.

She decided to start with a little fun, aiming "Densaugeo!" at him which grotesquely elongated his teeth to an abnormal length.

A few of the Knights snickered, unable to stiffle their laughter as they watched Lestrange get horribly humiliated by 'only a girl' as he'd claimed.

"What? Do you want me to show you more?" Rosalind asked tauntingly, starting off with easy spells that would only embarrass him, without causing severe harm.

"Anteoculatia!"  The hex caused her victim to sprout horns, which made the laughter intensify.

You want to teach someone a lesson? Embarrass them.

"Oh we're only getting started," And as she finished her sentence, she'd decided what spell to use next.

Rosalind pointed her wand at him again, and as she twirled her wand around, Lestrange turned in circles around the room. He moved on her accord, and as she moved her wand in circles, Lestrange turned in circles so fast that only a blur could be seen of him.

The Knights were howling in laughter by then, watching amusedly as Roderick was thrown to the ground with a thud.

He still had horns and abnormally large teeth, which made the furious look on his face even funnier.

Rosalind was raising her wand once again, until she was interrupted by the door of the room being thrown open. Tom stomped into the room, obviously furious for some reason.

The laughter died out as the Knights noticed their leader regarding the scene that took place. Rosalind, however, wasn't affected in the slightest.

"Avis! Oppugno!"  And with her final spell, a few blue birds erupted from her wand and aimed straight at Lestrange. The birds didn't cause much severe harm,  just a few scratches here and there. But the spell was painful nonetheless.

Rosalind stepped closer to where Lestrange was sprawled on the floor– horns grown out of his head, teeth abnormally huge, and red scratches covering his face and any revealed skin.

Tom watched silently, fists still clenched because of the mayhem, caused once again by Rosalind. He couldn't deny though that somehow, it was amusing to regard how powerful Rosalind was, and how she always drew a limit to anyone who tried to incense her in any way.

"Remember Lestrange, do not test my power, and do not tempt my fury." Rosalind spat through her teeth, after she'd kneeled down beside Roderick to speak to him.

Well that was it, none of the Slytherins would even dare to come across her way after witnessing how much she could do with so little of effort.

As she went to leave the room, Rosalind shouldered Tom purposefully, before she spat, "Someone take him to the hospital wing."

And with a wave of her arm, the doors snapped shut behind her, leaving a group of stunned Slytherins and an amused leader trying to hide his admiring smirk.

the devil's redemption [tom r.]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora