Chapter :51

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Aashna's Pov:

It has been two months since my birthday and I must agree that it was the best birthday I had. Also my relation with Aarav flourished after that day, I was more opened to him now, sharing my every damn single thing and like always he quietly listens to my nonsense talks with out complaining but I don't know what happened to our happening relation now, it feels like some evil power has conquered our relationship since last month.

Earlier we used to argue a lot on small small things but it were just a temporary arguments but what I had last month was beyond that small arguments. I still remember every single word of it. It's not like I'm angry but I'm hurt. In fact I'm hurt a lot by every single thing he said to me.

Why the hell you always want to control me Aashna?

I hate it, when someone tries to control me and you are always, always doing that.

Stop being a controlling freak and let me live, please.

Hearing this words I was hurt but more than that my temper rose. How can he say like that? He is the one who tries to control me every single time. There was a point that he ordered me to stay away from Karan, not only him but with every other male friend of mine. I know he is possessive but even when I told him that they are just my friends and he is the one I love, he stayed the same possessive boyfriend. No doubt it was even my mistake that, I shouted him a lot that day and even put some false allegations on him about him dating another girl from his class. Well that was what I heard from so many people. I trusted him that he won't do anything like that so I never asked him about it but I was very much influenced by the sayings of people. I even saw of picture of them in that girls Instagram account with a emoji of red heart inserted as a caption, I was angry but still I didn't asked about it to him.

"I'm a controlling freak? Really? What it is when you order me to stay away from all my friends?"

"Tell me, who is the real controlling freak? "

"And what did you said, I should let you live your life? So in that case you are already living your life so happily, cheating me with that another girlfriend of yours"

The moment I said those words I regretted saying it but before I could say anything, he started.

"Are you out of your mind? What the hell are you even talking about? Your putting allegations on me that I'm cheating on you?"

I badly wanted to take my words back. I realized that what I said was wrong but I didn't got chance to explain myself.

"Forget it, it is my mistake that I dated a girl like you."

He said and went away, leaving me alone. I was so hurt. His words were continuously running in my mind.

My mistake that I dated a girl like you.

Kring kring!

My phone ranged, breaking all my thoughts. I looked at the called id, Aarav!

"Hey baby, where are you? He asked the moment I received the call.

"I'm still in my home. Did you reached college already?” I asked.

"No, not yet but I will be there in ten minutes. I thought you would be in the college as you were having your lecture at 11."

"Yeah I do but Kriya and I decided to skip it. We will attend the second one." I replied.

"Today, I attended all my lectures.” He said like a good boy. I knew why he was saying that to me, I always used to say him to attend the lectures but since the argument I never told him what he should do and what he should not!

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