Chapter : 1

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Aashna's POV:

"Okay mom, I promise I will be there on time."I assured my mom again.

"I don't know but I doubt on that. You always say the same thing but still you are always late and this time I don't want that to happen. What will Rai's think of you?” She asked. I was not in mood to argue with her moreover even If I do, in the end I will have to agree with what she was saying, so I decided to keep quite.

"Tell me?” She asked provoking me.

"Mom please, I said I will be there on time. In fact I promise You, I won't let you down this time."I replied. I knew why she was so tensed, Rai's are going to be my future in-laws and she don't want me to spoil my image in front of them. Last time when they came, I was a bit busy in the office and arrived home late. No one had a problem with that, it was only my mom who freaked out.

"Now shall I complete my work, please?” I asked and she hung the call only after reminding me to the time at which I'm supposed to reach my home.

I opened the file kept on my desk to take a look at it once again. I feel really happy that our company has surely incurred profit this year. Being a financial analyst, It is my responsibility to help business in make sound investments which will lead to profit of the company.

After completing my studies, I started to work in an tourism company as a normal employee but then before two years I have been promoted as a financial analyst. No doubt I love my job so much, I always loved challenges and this job gives me a real sense of something very much challenging.

I was busy making the report when I heard a knock on my Door.

"Come in." I replied, waiting for the person to get in.

"Good afternoon ma'am. I'm here to see if you are done with your work.” Ruhi said.

"Don't call me ma'am, we are friends. How many times I'm supposed to say that?” I asked almost in a annoyed tone. I hate it when she calls me ma'am. We both joined this office together, we used to share the same desk but then I was promoted and since then I have to hear her saying me ma'am.

"I was joking. Anyway if you are done with your work, lets go and eat something. I'm hungry.” She said and I chuckled, she is always hungry.

"Just give me ten minutes, I will make this report and then...."

"No way, get up fast.” She said pulling my hand. I gave up and came out of my cabin.

"Why are you so stubborn?” I asked her when we were on the way to cafeteria.

"I don't know.” She said shrugging her shoulder and kept walking. I don't understand why god gifted all the idiots to me. After the transfer of Dad, we moved to another city. It was so hard for me to leave that place but that was the best thing for me to do at that time, otherwise I would have never got over that memories.

"Hey, why are you crying?” Ruhi asked bringing me back to reality. I blinked my eyes and realized that they were filled with tears.

"Nothing, I just remembered an old friend.” I said wiping my eyes with the tissue.

"Kriya?” She asked and I nodded. The only idiot friend of my life, who know every single secret of mine.

"I miss her so much.” I said and felt more tears forming in my eyes.

"You should go and meet her, but I don't understand what your problem is?” Ruhi said irritated. She has been convincing me to meet Kriya for many days but I don't know why, I just can't meet her, I'm afraid! Afraid to go back to that place again. We used to meet only when she came to my home but now she stopped it. It's not like we don't talk, we have each other’s numbers and are still connected but only by virtual world. I'm so happy for her that she is still together with Ruan. After so many fights they ended up together, not like me and....

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