Chapter Three -- Jez

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That fucking song. Our eyes met, and though I was trying my hardest to pretend that wasn't some of the best sex I'd had in about a decade, the look he gave me made it beyond difficult. I looked away and continued packing up my things.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Jez! Stop fucking that prime bespectacled specimen. I need to grab my shit!" Linds—my drummer—yelled through the door.

"We're done give us a sec," I shouted, grabbing my cuffs from the floor and trying my hardest not to look at Asher's pristinely tattooed chest, arms, and abs as I dressed.


Snatching the glasses from the vanity, I brought them over to him. As he pulled his shirt on, I held them out while trying to feign disinterest. The banging on the door continued, but I waited until he put the glasses on to open the door.

"Glad to see you haven't changed much," Linds snickered as she walked in.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"All the warm and fuzzy memories... like back when you locked me out of here while you fucked Asher from Unusual Things ten years ago. I still can't believe you fucked him. They weren't what they are now but... fuck. You and your black belt level Sex-fu." Linds grabbed her purse and the cases for her drums. "Sorry if I cut anything short for you guys."

I shook my head. "Nah, it's fine. He was just leaving." I smirked at Asher, and he let out a shuddered breath before licking his lips.

"Don't feel bad. At least Jez's telling you to get out and not bailing on you like she did poor Asher. She just grabbed her shit and left. But that's what Jez does, she's worse than most guys."

"Nah, I'm just like those ones who have strings of one night stands and don't get the women's names." I beamed at Asher, and he nodded a little as I waved at him and he left.

"Wow, that was harsh even for you. Bad lay?" Linds asked furrowing her brows.

"Nope, the opposite. There are complications." I started to reach for my guitar case. My pack of Lucky Strikes was calling my name. I'd cut down on smoking, but the stress made them practically scream at me from inside the case.

"Husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend complications?"

"That's a great song name." I giggled. "Nah, professional complications."

"Oh, he works for the agency?"

"Yeah." I cleared my throat. "I didn't realize it until after it'd gone too far. It's a pity too because he has quite the mouth on him and isn't too bad to look at."

"Relationship isn't a four-letter word you know."

"Oh my sweet fuck, not this again." I sighed and walked to the table my guitar case was balanced on. I shut it and locked it.

"I'm just saying, as your friend, you might be surprised at what you'd find if you actually dated a guy."

"My job doesn't allow me to date. I need to drop everything at a moment's notice if something pops up. I watched my parents' relationship fall apart over shit like that. I'm not going to be that asshole who makes someone try and squeeze into whatever corner of my life they kind of fit into."

"Jez, you need to try it. And I don't mean the repeat offenders that you don't talk to."

"Nope. Besides, it's not worth it. All I need is sex on occasion."

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