Chapter Thirteen -- Jez

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The show was amazing, watching Asher really let loose was incredible. He even did a backflip off the front of Zach's bass drum during one of the solos. And with all I'd seen from him, it was honestly his best performance in years. I was still thinking about it as I walked down the quiet hotel corridor twenty minutes after the show ended. I had already laid everything out before I left, but I still wanted to have a few minutes to get myself ready.

I pulled off my dress, leaving myself in my garter belt, thigh highs, and bra. I bought all new toys to use with him. New cuffs, new crops—and gutted the room in my home. I wanted to start over with him in a place void of the vestiges of others. We were at our best during those moments—when others didn't get in the way, and it was just us.

His confession lingered on my mind as I reapplied the sealing gloss on my stay put lipstick. The bright red shade brought all attention to my mouth, and I liked it that way—it was one of my best features in my opinion.

I grabbed the cuffs off the sink in the bathroom and slipped one arm under the lacy side of my garter belt, so the heavy metal dangled off my hip clanking a bit as I positioned the chair in front of the window again. I'd staged everything to play on his love of exhibitionism with an illusion. You couldn't see into the hotel room from the outside, but from the inside, it looked like it was a possibility.

Laid out on the coffee table were two different kinds of riding crops, and numerous lengths of black satin ribbon. Barefoot I stalked the outer room of the suite twirling the crop between my fingers as I waited.

Though I'd never admit it, my heart caught as I heard the sound of the card lock disengaging. He reached for the light switch, completely backlit from the hall.

"No lights. Close the door and come here." I heard his breath catch all the way from across the room at my orders. He complied though, as always, there was that edge of hesitation to it I liked. "Strip."

He eagerly shed his shirt, revealing that gorgeous art emblazoned over those lithe, hard muscles. His amazing body always drew my attention, and I even bit at the end of the riding crop as I watched him reveal what was mine. Oh, he might not have liked to admit it, but that was exactly what he was—and not because of the contract he signed.

"The chair." I pointed at it with the crop, and he stalked over, pausing for a moment as he came near. It was thrilling to feel that tension that radiated off him as he loomed over me. He was so much taller than I was, and I really felt it at that moment. Oh, he might have been slender, but with those muscles and that height, he was all male and the best kind of male at that—an alpha male. He might not have noticed it yet, but I'd tamed him—that didn't mean of course that he wouldn't rattle his cage and roar.

"No kiss?" Fuck, that voice. Heavy and dark with lust, his tenor was the sweetest sound in the world, and it sent shivers down my spine.

"Not yet."

He sat in the chair, and I quickly straddled his lap, keeping his hard cock between us as I slid my hands down his shoulders to his arms and then finally to his wrists that I locked behind him. He swallowed as I sat back and stared at him. Had I been a different woman, I might have told him how beautiful he was with his eyes glassy and unfocused from denied desire, but I didn't. Instead, I slipped from his lap and grabbed one of the lengths of satin ribbon from the coffee table. I used it to bind his arms to the sides of the chair, deftly weaving the ribbon to create the pattern that I knew would hold him no matter how hard he thrashed.

"What are you going to do to me?" His voice was shaky and breathy as he craned that long sexy neck of his to look at me. I didn't answer him. Instead, I caressed down his thighs and bound each ankle to the chair enjoying the quivery of his muscles and the prickly gooseflesh my fingertips left in their wake. The only movement he had was his hips, everything else was bound tight.

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