Chapter Eight -- Asher

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Not too much after we passed out, I woke up. In sleep, Jez managed to pull the comforter off me, and the rest of the bed and cocoon that shit around her. However, I was her big spoon, a spoon without a shred of blankets, but still, she clutched my hand around her waist. At first, I wanted to try and go back to sleep. But eventually, it became a question of do I keep letting her hold my arm and dislocate it or do I get up. After carefully prying her grip from me, I got out of bed and pulled on a pair of pajama pants.

Music flowed through my mind as walked down the hall to the studio. I had to write it down, I knew if I didn't the moment would pass and I'd forget it. I didn't even bother flipping on the lights. I headed straight for my acoustic that sat in the corner and the pad of paper by the computer and mixing board.

I jotted down the chords as I sat on top of the black baby grand piano. It was a love song, the kind of love song that had too much truth in it for most people. The kind about being vulnerable and confused and only sure of anything when you're in the presence of the other person. It wasn't about fucking, but at the same time it boiled down to exactly that. Essentially, I wrote about every little complicated thing Jez made me feel, and that was exactly what I wrote at the top of the page while feeling my way through the song once I finished with it.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

Jumping at the noise, I glanced up at the doorway to find Jez standing there in one of my award-show button downs. She looked too good with those black waves tossled about, and her lips still flushed from sex. She took her makeup off, but she still looked good, too good almost. The room lit up with a flash of lightning, and I spun around catching for the first time since sitting down that it was raining.

"Fuck." I rubbed my face.

"Yeah, we did that. Good show by the way. I'd say I should give you a treat but... you kind of barebacked and came inside me." She seemed a little annoyed but not much more.

"Shit."I hadn't been thinking earlier. I was clean, but I still should have known better.

"Yeah. Shit," Jez groused out glancing around. "It's not a big deal though, I'm on the pill. But if you gave me something I'm going to cut your cock off and wear it around my neck like a goddamned trophy."

"Deal." I smirked and nodded.

"Damn straight." She winked. "That song is good though."

"Thanks." I strummed out the chord progression a few times. "This is the easiest a song has come to me in... fuck I can't remember the last time." I chuckled, and her eyes glinted. She framed a shot with her fingers and nodded.

"This is how we're distracting them."

"What? Now?" I furrowed my brows.

"Yes, now." She disappeared down the hall, and I practiced the song again before she returned. I heard her step in that time, her bare feet stuck a little to the wood floor. "Does it have a name?"

I wet my lips and glanced down at the top of the page where her name was written.

"Yes, and you're not going to like what I called it." I sucked my teeth and sighed watching her face.

"That might depend entirely on what you called it."


"No." The counter was fast, and it made me sigh. That rejection hurt. I got it, but it didn't stop the sting of that tiny two-letter word.

Dirty. Sexy. Love.[*Complete*]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin