Chapter Ten -- Asher

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As had been the trend with the last few times we'd woke up together, I got up first. I welcomed the feeling of the warm sun on my face and could even bear the sour scent of vomit as I pressed my face against her. Placing a kiss on her neck, I got up and didn't even bother with my yoga. Instead, I headed down to her kitchen.

After ten minutes of trying to figure out where everything was, I found the things I needed to make pancakes. They weren't exactly the kind of food I'd eat but I knew she'd need drunk food and the blueberry mix seemed perfect to soak up all the alcohol in her system.

Once I got all the ingredients together, I turned on her stereo and started dancing and singing to her playlist as I mixed everything together. As I waited for the pan to heat up, I put away the dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned up the little splatters of batter on the counter.

Some Maroon 5 song popped on, and I walked into the dining room to switch it, but by the time I got to the stereo, it had grown on me. Usually, they were entirely too pop for me, but it had a great beat, and the lyrics made me think of Jez, so I put it on repeat as I cooked and by the time the pancakes had finished I knew all the words to 'Lucky Strike'. Not to mention that was the brand of cigarettes she had in her guitar case.

When she came into the kitchen, the look on her face was priceless. For someone hungover, she somehow managed to be absolutely gorgeous.

"You want to call me Princess, then you're my Lucky Strike." I beamed at her.

She smirked and fanned her fingers back through her waves. "Princess, you made me breakfast. That means today can you call me whatever the fuck you want."

"So are you a syrup or jam kind of girl?"

"Jelly. It's in the fridge." She took the plate and hopped up on one of the stools. I got it and a knife from the silverware drawer as I was on my way back she turned off the stereo. "His voice isn't as hangover friendly as yours."

"Thank you?" I lofted a brow as I watched her spread the whatever jelly was made of on her food—I don't care what the label said, it didn't look like any part of it used to be natural.

"Yup." She cut up the pancakes and took a bite. "Are you going to eat any?"

I shook my head. "Nah. I'll grab something later."

She nodded. "You think this shit is gross, don't you?"

I chuckled and pursed my lips with a little grin. "Just a bit. That mix has... sixty different ingredients."

"I like my food like my plants—artificial." She beamed at me.

"Wow. You know, I bet I can make food from real ingredients that tastes just as good."

She cackled and licked her fork. "I somehow doubt it. When was the last time you ate something not... crazy healthy?"

"It's been a while."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to share my delicious fake food with you. Keep your kale and your organic soy protein powder." She finished the pancakes, and I took the dishes from her, rinsing them off before setting them in the dishwasher. "You must really want me to keep you."

"This is all part of my plan you know. I'm demonstrating all of the premium features, so maybe you'll be enticed to upgrade." I chuckled at my own joke, and she joined me.

"Well, I'll think about that upgrade." She took out her phone and tapped on the screen for a bit humming and hawing. "Looks like your song is an actual good song. You have steady hits even though Cameragate is slowly winding down because you've never been really open with who you fuck."

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