Chapter Nine-- Jez

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On Saturday, my old bandmates and I all got together to celebrate my meteoric rise to the top of my career. Landing Unusual Things as clients was a big deal—if I could keep them. As I predicted after a moment of panic, the whole thing with Asher died down with the distraction of the video. With Eric Stevens' resignation, the press moved on to Cameragate. The situation wasn't exactly ideal, he still had press following him, but most importantly no one knew it was my reflection.

For my friends and I, doing it up like we used to meant we went to one of the dive bars with live music and got absolutely shit faced—as we so often used to do before careers and mommy and me got in the way. The Orpheus looked exactly like I remembered it and unfortunately smelled like it used to too. On stage some band I'd never heard of attempted to recycle Unusual Things' sound which made them sound like a bad cover band.

"Thanks for this... but why are we here of all fucking places." I sipped my Stoli on the rocks.

"Because we have a surprise for you." Linds giggled before flagging down the bartender.

"But I don't want a surprise. I thought we were just celebrating."

"We are, you can do both you know." Kelly, our bassist and now proud mommy of three who didn't look it, flashed me a grin.

"Not when I'm this drink... drunk," I slurred out. Fuck. Maybe I should slow down... nah.

"So are they all assholes?"

"Who?" I blinked at Kelly.

"UT. They were sweet guys before but... you know fame." She snorted. The father of Kelly's first kid was the bassist in a metal band that blew up right after he proposed to her. He immediately turned into an asshole and left her at the altar.

"I'd call them more pains in the ass than anything else. One week on and two scandals. Two. Asher's worse than those fucking kid actors when they turn eighteen, and pre-emptively show the world their tits six times a day on Instagram. It's good for their new release though, and that's all the label cares about." I shrugged.

"Remember when we thought it was really about the music?" Linds snickered as the bartender finished passing out our next round. "Zach's still chill as fuck though."

"That's because Zach spends most of his time stoned off his ass." I countered.

Linds nodded. "This is true. But we used to do that."

"Bitches speak for your self I still do that shit." Claudia, our guitarist, stuck out her tongue flashing us her tongue stud. She was a reporter for one of the bigger entertainment magazines. "Have you fucked him again yet?"

I choked on my drink and after a moment of coughing looked up at her. "What?"

"Have you, Jez, fucked Asher Prince yet. You know, to compare."

Oh if you only knew... "Yup."

"Damn a repeat customer, you must actually like him. Or was it curiosity?" Kelly snickered.

"No comment." I nursed my drink some more.

"Oh shit!"

I blushed as my friends crowded me.

"Wow, Really?" Linds grinned.

"He's... tolerable when he's not a pain in the ass. Nothing's going to come from it though." I passed my fingers back through my hair and glanced over the crowd as I finished the last of my third Stoli. "So before I order a refill, what's this surprise?"

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