Chapter Four

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Ginny and the boys snuck back to the common room after the egging. Ginny knew that Lavender Brown had seen her sneak out after the boys.

Ginny now walked the halls alongside snickering Harry and Seamus. "That was a little mean now that I think about it," Ginny thought out loud.

"You have to admit, that was pretty hilarious," Seamus wheezed from laughing. Ginny cracked a smile.

"Okay it was a little funny," she said quietly.


Ginny had stayed up until eleven o'clock with Hermione, both of them reading in the common room. Well, at least Ginny stayed up. Hermione fell asleep with her head in Ginny's lap at 10:30. Ginny figured she should probably get to bed.

How am I going to get Hermione up? Ginny huffed. "Hey Gin, what's up?" Harry walked into the common room from outside.

"I can't get Hermione off of me to go up to the common room. What are you doing up this late?" Ginny wondered.

"Dumbledore needed me for something," Harry shrugged.

"Okay, well, if you're here..."

"You want me to help you get Hermione up?"


"No problem." Harry pulled Hermione's heavy body off of Ginny.

"How did you do that? I couldn't lift her even if I put all of my strength into it!" Ginny whisper shouted in attempts not to wake up her unconcious best friend.

"I don't know," Harry shrugged. "Magic?" he offered. Ginny rolled her eyes at him.

"I better start to drag her up to the dormitory," Ginny said. "Hang on Hermione, it's going to be a bumpy ride."


When Ginny woke up in the morning, the girl's dormitory was chaos. Well, not exactly chaos, Lavender Brown was just gossiping and all the other girls were gathered around her in a cluster. Ginny didn't sit up, she decided to listen in instead. Ginny rolled over on her side to hear better.

"And then she egged me!" Lavender Brown whisper yelled. There were gasps from the two other girls gathered around her. The only girl who wasn't in the cluster was Hermione, who was still sleeping.

"That's harsh," Parvati Patil said. That wasn't true! If Lavender Brown had eyes, she could see that Seamus threw the eggs. I was just there, Ginny screamed in her head. Ginny could see that they were in deep conversation, so she would get ready for the day and see if they noticed.

Ginny silently got out of bed and crawled to her dresser, she got her uniform out and changed into it. She brushed her hair and did her makeup whilst the girls were still gossiping.

One other girl that Ginny had no idea what her name was said,"I saw Ginny leave the bathroom without washing her hands." Ginny almost gagged and stuck her tongue out. That's disgusting, she thought.

"Probably," Lavender rolled her eyes.

"Why are you guys being so hard on her?" Parvati asked, innocently.

"Are you even listening Parvati? She egged me!" Lavender said. That's it, Ginny thought. Ginny stood up.

"Actually, that was Seamus that egged you, I was just there to watch. If you think you were being sneaky gossipers, you weren't very good at it because I heard that entire thing. Don't you girls have something better to be doing like, gee I don't know, eating breakfast like a normal person. Hermione snapped open her eyes and pulled back the sheets on her bed to reveal a fully dressed and put together Hermione.

"I was up way before you guys and was just taking another snooze before breakfast. I heard that entire thing too. And Ginny does wash her hands after going to the bathroom, that's disgusting that you would even lie about that!" Hermione rampaged.

"You guys are ridiculous," Ginny said, linking arms with Hermione and walking to the Great Hall for breakfast.


"And then one of them accused me of not washing my hands after going to the loo!" Ginny dished to Harry and Ron. Ron snickered.

"It's not funny, Ron!" Hermione gave him a good slap.

"I think it's weird that Lavender Brown is gossiping about you, meanwhile, she was snogging the ferret," Harry added.

"I know right? It makes me so mad," Ginny huffed.

"Good thing you're cute when you're mad," Harry said, more quiet. Ginny slightly blushed as Ron gave Harry a warning look. "Well I have to be going," Harry quickly saved. "I have to talk to McGonagall before class, bye!" Harry rushed off. Ginny smiled into her food while Hermione nudged her.

"Okay that's all folks!" Ginny said as she rushed away in the opposite direction of Harry.

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