Chapter Five

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Harry couldn't believe that he had actually called Ginny cute out loud. Harry didn't want Ginny to know that he liked her. Dean Thomas liked Ginny anyway, so what was the point?

Harry wandered Hogsmeade one day with Hermione and Ron.

"Do you guys want to go to Honeydukes or Three Broomsticks first?" Hermione asked.

"Honeydukes," Harry said.

"Do you not want to go to the Three Broomsticks or something Harry? You always want to go there first," Hermione said.

"I thought we should change it up today," Harry said. And Ginny's probably in there, Harry thought. The trio pushed open the door to Honeydukes revealing a quaint little shop with teal shelves and a pink spiral staircase in the corner. Harry looked in awe of the giant jars full of candy on top of the shelves.

"I'll be over by the Candy Floss if you need me," Hermione said. Of course, Hermione had to pick the most sensible candy in the entirety of Honeydukes to purchase.

"I'm going over by the Chocolate Frogs. There has to be a wizard card that I haven't collected," Ron said and dashed off. Harry ventured over to the peppermint section to purchase some Peppermint Toads. They were Harry's favorite. Ever since the rogue Chocolate Frog that escaped in Ron and Harry's train compartment 5 years ago, Harry had never really had an appetite for them.

Ron, Harry, and Hermione next visited the pond just outside of Hogsmeade. It was all frozen over and beautiful. Ron insisted on sliding on top of the ice. Ron and Hermione slid around and played on the ice for a little while. Harry decided to sit on a nearby tree stump and watch them. They were so happy. Harry knew that they were destined to be together. They liked each other. They wanted to be with each other. Harry wondered why he didn't have anyone like that. Probably because his one true love didn't like him.

After falling down about 53 times, Ron and Hermione came off the iced pond and walked to the Three Broomsticks with Harry.

The merry bell jingled as Hermione opened the door. She stopped dead in her tracks just inside the doorway. She whispered something to Ron and Ron pushed Harry back out of the doorway.

"Hey, what the bloody hell, man?!" Harry threw up his hands.

"We have to go," Hermione snagged Harry by the arm and dragged him in the direction of Hogwarts.

"Wh-?" Harry cut himself off. He didn't know why they were suddenly walking away from Hogsmeade.

"It's for your own good," Hermione and Ron threw Harry into the common room when they got there. "Stay."

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