46. A Waste of Time

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Another morning in Ponyville...
The sun was still rising in the horizon and Star Twinkle just woke up.
He raised his head out from beneath of his bed sheets and looked out of the window next to him.
Seeing how early it still was, he decided to extend his nap a little longer and covered his head with his bed sheets again.

While under his bed sheets, he noticed some noises starting to get louder and louder.
He sat up on his bed and looked around, only to find out that there was literally a storm inside of his room.

"What's happening here!?" He exclaimed confused, covering his head with his bed sheets out of fear.

Eventually, the storm got smaller and turned into some kind of light explosion.
After that, everything seemed to have calmed down.
But something was still in the room...

A pony, having a light green coat and dark green star shaped mane.
A pony that looked exactly like...Star Twinkle!

"Where am I?" The pony said confused while checking his surroundings.

Needless to say, Star Twinkle was shocked to see himself in front of...himself.
The pony in the quickly noticed where he was and turned his head towards Star Twinkle who was looking at him in disbelieve.

"Who are you?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

"Oh no...
Is that what happened?" The pony replied, not even listening to Star Twinkle.

"Hey!" Star Twinkle said to get the attention of his visitor.

I mean, yes!
I AM you!
I think that scroll from Canterlot sent me back as well..." the pony replied in a slightly annoyed tone, still trying to figure out things.

"Sent back?
From where?
Why are there even two me in the first place!?" Star Twinkle asked after he realized what crazy thing was actually happening right now.

The pony changed his expression from mildly annoyed to concerned.
He walked up to Star Twinkle who was widening his eyes in confusion.

"You may not believe me but...
I am from the future!"

"You are from the future!?" Star Twinkle asked in disbelieve.

"Yes. Twilight sent me back from next Tuesday with some kind of scroll in Canterlot," the pony explained in a desperate voice.

The pony was trying to make it sound like something really big and kinda threatening in order to impress Star Twinkle.
However, Star Twinkle was not too impressed and mostly wondered why he was here and how he ended up looking like that.
If it was true that Twilight sent him back then it probably involved some kind of magic which was something that Star Twinkle would not understand anyway.
Star Twinkle found it hard to believe but seeing himself in front of...himself was enough reason to at least listen to what he had to say.

But he also couldn't help but wonder how he ended up like this.
After taking a closer look at his future self, he noticed just how messed up he looked.
Some rings under his eyes, a paper cut on his cheek and his mane was really messy as well...
He was probably really stressed or didn't sleep for a while.
Star Twinkle knew himself better than anypony else and was sure that something bad must have happened in the future for him to end up like that.
This kinda scared him to some extent.
What could possibly be so bad to make him end up like that?

"What happened?
You...I mean, I look like I haven't slept for days..." Star Twinkle asked.

"Yeah...it was a rough week..." the pony replied almost exhausted.

Star Twinkle still couldn't believe that he was casually talking to himself from the future.
This was certainly not something that everypony could say for themselves.
It was also very hard to believe.

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