47. Great and Powerful Downfall

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Author's Note:

Time for best pony XD.

Also, the Legend of Friendship is now one year old!
Thanks for everyone who showed interest in this story so far!
Give yourself a pat on the shoulder for sticking through this thing that I like to call a story.

If you are somehow interested in how the OC's in this story look like (At least at the best that I can present them...) then go over to my Deviantart site(DanieruLOF).
So far, every OC from Season 1 is up there(Yeah all four of them...) but I will add more as the story progresses.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
If you did, please leave some kind of review to show your support.
I would be happy to hear from you ^^.

Hope to see you all in the next chapter ^^.


In the little town of Appleloosa...

It was beginning to get dark in Equestria and most ponies already went home.
But some ponies were still outside, waiting for some kind of show to start soon.

"Did you hear the news?" One stallion said to his companion next to him in excitement.

There is some magician in town, who performs some magic tricks later this day," the other stallion replied.

"I heard it is some great and powerful Unicorn.
We have to see that!" The other pony replied before they both excitingly went to the town square.

Both of them increased their walking speed a little, worried that the show would start before they would arrive near the town center.

One pony was standing next to them as they talked about the show and couldn't help but to overhear their conversation, getting a little curious in the process.

"A powerful Unicorn?" The pony mumbled to himself.

It was a pony wearing a gray hood which was covering most of his body and his face.
He followed the two ponies with his eyes and began to play with the thought to walk after them.
His curiosity eventually got the better of him and he followed the two ponies, leading him to the town's square.

"I doubt that it is the Unicorn that I am looking for but it can't hurt to take a look," he thought to himself as he approached a crowd of ponies standing in the middle of the road.

When he arrived, there was already a crowd of ponies waiting in front of a wagon, awaiting whatever was about to happen.
The hooded pony tried to not stand out too much, which was easy since there were so many ponies.

Eventually, the show started.
Colorful lights came out of the wagon and a female voice announced the beginning of the show.

"Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

A unicorn with a blue coat, a silver-blueish colored mane and a blue wizard cape and hat revealed herself in front of everypony with a confident smile on her face.
The crowd let out impressed "Uhh!'s" and "Ahh's" as they watched the colorful entrance of the Great and Powerful Trixie.

"Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!" She said, accompanied by flashy lights and fireworks that came out of her wagon, underlining her words even more.

The crowd seemed impressed by the great and powerful Trixie's entrance and gasped in excitement.

"Heh, somepony sure has some lively confidence," the hooded pony said to himself amused.
"...but she is not the pony I was looking for...
Was to be expected...
But while I'm here, I still could watch some of her magic as well," he added almost excited as he focused his eyes on Trixie.

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship (MLP remake with male OC added)Where stories live. Discover now