Chapter 3: Icon

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As Gabbie is running around snatching everyone's weaves, people start getting a bit annoyed. Multiple people message the middle ranks on discord BEGGING them to demote her. The only sane enough member of the MR team is peacefvl. She listens to everyone's complaints and decides it is time for Skinny Legend "gIrlygirl14538" to be demoted. She logs the demotion in the lr-demotion-promotion tab on discord, so everyone can see that she is finally gone.
When Gabbie finds out she is demoted back to Pastriez Peep, she is confused. Why don't they like her? Was it something she said? The only way for Gabbie to find out why she is no longer staff is to become staff again, and INFILTRATE THE SYSTEM. Gabbie immediately returns to the interview center to get her "Awaiting Training" rank back, and she manages to get accepted again! She didn't think she would be accepted, because Gabbie thought once you get demoted, you can't get promoted again! Luckily for her, she was wrong. Gabbie goes to the soonest training session, and Gabbie was trained by lohvinghearts. Lohving tried really hard to be as helpful as she can during the training session, but Gabbie was too much. There was no reason not to pass Gabbie, so lohving just finished the training as quickly as she could. For some reason, lohving did not like Gabbie. After Gabbie gets promoted back to cashier for the second time, she joins Pastriez Bakery and sees peacefvl, who had demoted her before.
Gabbie asks peacefvl, "Hey, why did you demote me before?"
Peacefvl says, "You were demoted for being rude to MR staff and trolling." Gabbie can't believe what she hears! She thought she was being funny! Gabbie gets mad at peacefvl after hearing what she did to her, and SNATCHES THIS RATS WEAVE. She then proclaims that peacefvl needs to refrain from caps at all times. Feeling super accomplished, Gabbie leaves the game. Surely tomorrow they will realize how great she is.

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