Chapter 4: SkInNy LeGeNd

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Gabbie wakes up in the morning and remembers how mad she was about getting demoted the day before. She tells her mom she is sick so she doesn't have to go to school. Her mom of course believes her, and let's her stay home.
Gabbie mutters under her breath, "These rats won't know what hit them." As soon as she hears her mom leave for work she hops on the computer and logs into ROBLOX. She thinks, maybe if she looks like she has a lot of robux, everyone will bend at her every command! She runs upstairs to her moms room, steals her moms credit card, and buys 2000 robux. First, she updates her look. Everyone knows the umbrella hat is so last year. Instead, she picks out a bunny tail, steampunk hat, and bees. Next item on the agenda, getting revenge. Gabbie joins Pastriez Bakery, and as soon as she loads in, she realizes; SHE GOT DEMOTED AGAIN. Gabbie is burning up with the heat of one thousand suns. She lets out a quick scream and then smacks her computer. After calming down and eating some brownies, Gabbie returns to the Interview Center to get her rank back. At this point, Gabbie knows all the answers to the questions, so getting that rank isn't the hard part. After getting accepted, Gabbie returns to the Training Center to become a cashier yet again. This time, she knows exactly what to say to make it go quick. Lohvinghearts is her trainer again, and immediately, lohving is mad. Lohving turns to discord chat to rant because Gabbie is getting of lohving's last nerve. Although Gabbie did everything correctly to get hired, lohving doesn't care. Lohving tells Gabbie the bad news, that she isn't promoted to cashier, and that she is "so terribly sorry." Gabbie is furious. Instead of trying again, Gabbie goes into the Bakery, buys the Kitchen Leader VIP gamepass, and messages a board member to get promoted. They accept her promotion. Gabbie goes into Pastriez Bakery as a newly hired Kitchen Leader, and flaunts her high status. All these rats with their "Senior Staff" and "Cashier" nonsense. They don't matter. Only Gabbie matters. Gabbie walks up to peacefvl and lohving in game and asks if one of them demoted her the night prior. Peacefvl explains to Gabbie that she SNATCHED PEACEFVLS WEAVE and that Gabbie deserved the promotion. Lohving then explains that she also failed training, and should just accept the fact that this job isn't right for her and she should GIVE UP FOR ONCE. Gabbie takes this as a challenge. Gabbie runs behind the counter, and starts working her butt off to prove to the staff that she is better than them. Of course, Gabbie makes a few grammatical errors, and peacefvl and lohving see this, and demote her back to senior staff. Gabbie realizes maybe kitchen leader isn't for her, but senior staff is DEFINITELY where she belongs. Gabbie acts out very violently, calling peacefvl names, and spamming about brownies in the chat. Peacefvl decides it is best if Gabbie remains cashier or chef, and even asks Gabbie which she would prefer. Gabbie decides chef because then she can sexually harrass people and compliment their thick legs in private. Gabbie runs up to peacefvl when she was confronted about her demotion and says, "Woman. Honey BOOBOO." Gabbie proceeds to snatch peacefvls weave again, and yells, "GOTCHA BABY!" Peacefvl decides enough is enough and she demoted Gabbie back to Pastriez Peep. Gabbie is so mad, that she decides to take a different route. She rejoins the game a couple hours later, and noticed a very vast amount of SA+ online. They are all standing in a line, so she decides now is her chance. Gabbie thinks maybe reverse psychology will work on them, so she cheers, "I hold the record for MOST DEMOTIONS! Isn't it amazing! :D." Everyone is fairly confused by this statement, and questions her excitement. Gabbie keeps telling every single person in game how lucky she is that she got demoted AGAIN! She notices that peacefvl and lohvinghearts are both in game and she struts up to them.
"Can you please name me (Holds record for most demotions?) Pleaaaase?" Of course, they say no, and think she is psycho. Gabbie leaves the game after a while of bragging about her demotion, and decides she will try one more time. After all, there is no limit to how many times you can be demoted.

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