Chapter Thirty Nine:No hope

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I woke up with Kiel next to me still sleeping,
It was around 9am now,and I couldn't fall back asleep,so I grabbed some clothes and head to the bathroom to wash up.

After I finished i dried my hair and put it in a low ponytail,my hair was long enough to do that now,I didn't bother with makeup i didn't even bother to wear any shoes

I wore an old long sleeved black dress,with a dark purple cardigan over it,i made sure to pick the thickest stockings because fuck Ivan's stupid rules.

I walked downstairs and opened the sliding glass door to the garden,i didn't even bother to go out in fact i just opened the door to feel the cold breeze,

No one was around I couldn't even see any maids,it was boring here,
"Ma'am" I heard Eric call me so turned around to see him slowly approaching,
"Do you need something?" He asked

"No thank you Eric" i answered,
"Master assigned me to become your personal guard,so i hope you're not bothered with me being around from now on" he announced,

"What do you need to guard me from? I mean I'm glad that you listened to me and beat Kiel up when you saw him dragging me into the bathroom yesterday,but just in case you didn't hear,Your precious Master has dumped me,and I'm unwillingly dating Kiel now." I explained
"So you can stop trying to protect me from Kiel,let him assign you to someone else because there is nothing left for me to be protected against"

"I cannot Ma'am" he replied
"Whatever just leave me alone" I replied again and turned away, "you may leave"
"Call me if you need help with anything Ma'am" he said and i heard his footsteps slowly become lighter and eventually disappearing,
Until i heard him come back again,

"Eric can you just leave me-!" I turned around to scold him this time but it wasn't him,
It was Ivan slowly coming into the living room trying to walk again after laying for a week.

I didn't want to be in the same room as him any longer,so I turned away without saying a word and tried to leave but i heard something dropping,

I looked again to see the small statue that was on the table shattered on the ground,
I was going to ignore it and go back to walking away but i heard Ivan groaning,I sighed and looked to check what was wrong this time,
He was leaning on the table as if he cannot get up and walk again,

I walked back to him and grabbed his arm putting it around me on my shoulders and let him lean on me,I slowly walked him to the couches and let him rest on one of them,
All while we both remained silent.

"Why are you alone?" I asked him,
"Shouldn't that ugly nurse stay with you?"
"I was thirsty so i came downstairs" he replied,
"Of course you were. Ill go call Eric to help you upstairs" i said leaving him walking to where Eric went but he stopped me,

"He's coming don't call him" he said with a groan,
"Okay then I'll go back to my room" i said back and switched my direction but he stopped me again,
"Can-Can you pass me the remote control?" He asked,is he making excuses for fucks sake??
I walked to the TV and took the remote control to give it to him.

"Did you have-..Did you sleep With Kiel?"
He asked in a serious tone
"Because you shouldn't have any intercourses for two weeks" he quickly added

"And who are you to ask? My boyfriend?" I mocked,
"You didn't give a shit about me back at the hospital,now you're suddenly interested in my health?"

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