Chapter Forty Five: A New Scar

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"You need to do something please,Edward is going to kill Ivan,Irene please ask Eric or William to do something," Maria cried telling me more about what was happening,

I knew this is was going to happen,i knew it,and i was ready for it.
"Maria Listen to me,don't worry okay? I'll fix this,I'll save Ivan,don't worry" i tried to comfort her,

"I'm so scared dear," she cried,
"Maria don't be,I promise that I'll save Ivan," I replied,
"I'll go now,you go rest,I'll call you back"
"Irene please don't do this alone I don't want to lose you too,please be careful" she cried more, "Maria I'll be fine,just wish me luck,goodbye" i hung up and threw my phone on the bed,

I walked to the door and opened it,
"Who were you talking to?" Eric asked in a serious tone,
"It's none of your business" I narrowed my eyes and stared back at him,
"Hand me your phone." He ordered,
"No" I refused,
"Don't let me use force," he threatened,
"Use force?" I chuckled,
"You fucking asshole"

"Give me your phone." He ordered again,
"I'm not giving you my damn phone!," I refused yelling at him,
He sighed and forced himself into the room,
"You can't do that!" I yelled in anger,
"You keep breaking rules,i have no other choice" he took the phone and shut it down,

"I thought you'd be slightly better than everyone else here,turns out you're just as shitty,you could've been reasonable and helped me a little but of course,all you worry about is your stupid job" I laughed in annoyance,
"My job is to protect you,and you can't quite seem to understand that" he explained,

"Get out of my room Eric" i pointed at the door,he left without hesitation and slammed the door shut after him,I cursed out loud and rubbed my temples,

The gun was nowhere,my phone is gone and i have no idea how to get to the damn house,
The thunder started and the rain poured,
I desperately tried to think of something,and the only thing i could think of was to fuck it and risk it all,

I walked to the living room with one task in mind,and it's to find the car keys,
I had to do it sneakily,William was not there so that's one good thing,

"Do you need anything Madam?" Eric who was sitting on the couch reading some of William's papers asked,
"I don't need anything,and certainly nothing from you" I replied still looking around,

"What are you doing then?" He asked confused,
"I am-," I turned his direction to answer him but as i did i found the car keys,on the coffee table in front of him,

"A cockroach" i said without even thinking,staring at the car keys,
"What?" He asked confused,
"I-uh i know that I'm pretty pissed at you but i left the windows in my bedroom open and a cockroach must've came in," I probably made up the shittest excuse but it was reasonable,

"A cockroach? In your room?" He Questioned in confusion,
"Yes please,help.." i tried to convince him,
"Okay where" he got up putting the papers on the table,he walked to my room and got inside while i stayed out by the door,

"Okay where is it?" He asked,
"It's under the bed,i just saw it!" I lied watching him bend down and go under the bed,that'll give me some time,
"I don't see anything Madam" he exclaimed,
"Eric i saw it! It was there! Please don't let it get lost.." i said while I slowly backed away...
I heard him speak about how there is nothing under the bed,

But i ran and threw the papers away yanking the keys off of the table,
"Madam?" I heard his voice grow nearer,
And i ran to the door and to my luck it wasn't locked,as i opened the door Eric walked to the hallway when he heard the door open,

"Madam?!" He yelled and came running to stop me,i ran in the rain and unlocked the car from far away,I climbed into it locking all the doors,I started the car and drove away as I watched Eric stomp his feet on the ground in the rain from the side view mirror,

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