Bonus Chapter: The Piano is still cooler

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"Dang it why do i keep messing this up?" I cursed under my breath and grabbed a piece of cloth to try and wipe the extra paint on the canvas,just as i was about to clean it neatly i heard three loud knocks on the door causing me to immediately lose my focus and make the mistake worse

"Madam?" Sophia let herself in oblivious of the big mistake she just did,my grip on the cloth tightened and i forced a smile so that she doesn't feel bad for anything,when in reality i pretty much felt like burning the entire house down at that moment..

"Yes Sophia?" I turned around and gave her a glare,
"Master wants you in the piano room,he said it's urgent" she innocently smiled and announced the news to me,
"Okay I'll be there in a second." I sighed and wiped my hands with the cloth to rid of the paint on it.

As she walked out of the room i took off the apron i was wearing and washed my hands in the sink.
I was wondering what Ivan would want since he only rarely asks me to help him with anything,so i left my peaceful studio and head to his piano room.

It was fairly quiet nothing more than maids walking around and the smell of delicious food coming from the kitchen the closer it was to dinner time.

I finally knocked on the door and walked into the piano room,i was expecting him to be on the couch with papers scattered everywhere but instead he was up on his feet with an electric guitar?

"Woah..what is this?" I chuckled still surprised by the fact that he was serious when he said that he'll learn the guitar just to prove me wrong,
"Well hello there Reenie I thought you'd be interested in some rock music" he raised his head to face me
"Reenie? Since when have you given me nicknames?" I asked confused as I approached him,
"Since the birth of rockstar Ivan- or should i say Evan" he replied with a grin,

"Stop right there,I can't take more of this cringe,you're definitely not about this life" i joked causing both of us to burst out in laughter,
"Okay good Because i hate that nickname," he replied,
"So you were serious about learning the guitar said you'll do it in a week but its been two months instead" i started,
"Yeah well,it was harder than I expected,
I hired a teacher who was basically teaching me 24/7" he explained,
"All of this just to prove me wrong? So stubborn" i joked back
"so would you like me to play anything? Any song in mind?" He asked me with an adorable smile,

"Well I haven't listened to a rock song since i was in high school,so to be fair I don't remember anything" I replied sitting on the couch and crossing my arms,
"Do you know anything Nirvana?"

"Nirvana? It's out of my range." He replied with a shrug,
"Guns N' Roses? AC/DC?..Deep purple?" I started to list down some popular rock bands that anyone would know even at surface level,
"Oh! I know a deep purple song!" His face immediately lit up with excitement
"Really?! Which one?" I got excited as well and asked him with a grin,
"Sometimes i feel like screaming,i know that song" he adjusted his guitar and almost began to play before i cut him off

"Ivan that was my favorite song!!" I interrupted,
"Well then guess I'm lucky" he chuckled and adjusted his guitar again until he was ready to play,But since the song would sound bland without the drums and all the other backing music he made sure to play all the background music on the speakers first.

Just as he started playing the last bits of the song i was surprised by the level of energy and passion he put into it,he hated the guitar but played it so well for his level,the song was really nostalgic,it reminded me of the time i was a stupid teenager,i hated those times but at the same time I enjoyed remembering the bits of it that were a tiny bit happy.

I laid down on the couch and watched him play the song,I didn't know wether my heart was beating to the memories and the past or the future of Ivan and I,he was making my past less miserable,i guess in a way he made my past the future.

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