Chapter 22 (Edited)

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A/N: Here is another chapter. They aren't kissing yet. I must get to the kiss scene soon, but there are important stuff that I have to cover before I do get to it. T^T 



"So, I have been thinking," Justin said from his spot on the bed where the three of us were watching tv as Xavier did some paperwork. He turned down the volume on the tv causing Julian to groan.

"What were you thinking about?" I asked, stuffing some popcorn into my mouth.

It had been a couple of days after the fight, and I was slowly able to walk longer distances than I had been. My bruises were all healed as well as the other minor injuries that I had received.

The only thing that was still healing was the bite on my inner thigh, but Dr. Trent said that I could start training with the pack when the week was up. And, I was grateful because I wanted to get some training in before I was to meet my uncle and aunt again after a long absence.

"Your lineage," Justin said, causing me to look at him. He was already looking at me with this thoughtful look in his eyes, causing me to cock my head.

"What about it?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"Remember how we couldn't find that much information about your family before the tenth generation from both sides?"

"Ya, and?" I stuffed some more popcorn in my mouth and chewed it as I waited for my brother to continue with his thought.

"What if you are related to one, or two, of the original Ten?"

I stopped chewing and stared at him with wide eyes. I knew that he wasn't joking; I could tell by the fact that his expression had never changed as well as his eyes having this serious look.

The original Ten... that was what he had said. These Ten were the first Pure Alphas that the Moon Goddess had created after she had created the Alpha King. These Ten were said to be just as powerful as the Alpha King with some saying that they were more powerful than him.

There had been rumors that they were going to go against the Alpha King and become Kings and Queens themselves, and when the Alpha King had heard of these rumors, he had sent out an army to kill them where they were staying.

However, the Ten simply vanished into thin air, before these Warriors killed them as if they had not been created at all.

Slowly, I began to chew again, not saying a word.

"They are myths," Julian said. He looked at me before looking at his brother. "Are you seriously saying that they are real?"

"We... did find evidence that they were real. Remember?" I asked, looking at Julian. "We found the journal that your many times great-grandfather had written."

"Before Dad found us reading it and took away."

"Oh, ya... was that the time that I had decided to color Cass's hair orange with a marker?"

"Yes," we chorused. "And, purple."

Julian nodded his head, smirking. "Good times... good times," he said, causing me to roll my eyes at him.

"But, why is your interest peaked now and not before?" I asked, looking at Justin. "I mean, I have not been living at the palace for years."

The door opened and Xavier walked in carrying Bryson. He walked over to me while he set his jaw because the three of us were staring at him. "What?" he asked.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now