Chapter 71- Xavier's POV

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I walked across the path towards the main house, looking at the number of people that had gathered because Cass had asked them to be here to help with the number of people going against the Kings. I was anxious, nervous about them being here, even though I knew that I had no reason to. They were here to help and not hurt either pack or me, and if they tried to harm us, then there would be troubles with Cass.

It had been two weeks since Zion had given me the video, and I watched it every day, at least her singing. The part where she told me that she loved me disappeared, but I didn't care because I kept watching the music video in my spare time and picked up the small hints that the other Guardsmen hadn't picked up on.

Her singing helped me a lot, however, and I had been able to sleep and eat better than I had before I had seen the video. She helped me keep sane, even when she was not here by my side, and I was very grateful for her.

"Alpha!" someone exclaimed behind me, and I turned to look that way to see a Guardsmen running towards me. He bowed his head and stopped in front of me, looking this way and that before he focused his gaze on me. "You are needed, Alpha."

"Where?" I asked. "What for?"

"I was just told by the king to get you," he replied. "He said that there had been some..." He paused and shifted on his feet, looking around us at the other people lounging around and talking to each other. "Just please, come, Alpha. I am not allowed to say much."

I frowned but nodded my head, understanding that it was sensitive information. "Lead me," I instructed, and the Guardsmen nodded his head before he ran towards the direction he needed me to go. I followed, making sure that I was keeping pace with him and stayed silent.

Worry settled on me like a blanket, and I prayed that whatever they wanted to talk to me did not have to deal with my love because I knew that it would break me.

However, when I walked into the tent, following the Guardsmen, I knew that my prayers hadn't been answered by the grim looks on the faces of the people gathered here.

"Leave," Commander ordered, looking at the Guardsmen who had brought me here. "Go back to your post. You know your duties."

"Yes, Commander," the male said, bowing his head. He walked out of the tent without a second glance, letting the curtain fall behind him.

King Sebastian cleared his throat, and I looked at him. He offered me a grim smile and nodded his head to an empty seat between Brody and Commander. "Take a seat, Alpha," he said. "We won't keep you long."

"Yes, Your Majesty," I said, nodding my head. I sat down between the two of them and looked at all of the people gathered here. Warily, my eyes skimmed over the species gathered here, and I had no idea how Cass had been able to be such a big part of their lives, even when they were from different species.

"Why are you looking at us like that?" a Vampire asked, and I looked to the person that had spoken. The male, Angelo I presumed because he looked like the male from the video, grinned, showing his fangs. "Scared that we are going to kill you, Wolf?" he asked.

Hank snorted. "I don't think Cass'll like it if she finds out that you are teasing him like that, Angelo," he said. "She might take both of your fangs out and knock some teeth out while she is at it."

"I'll even allow it," another male said, and I looked at him. The Vampire nodded his head to me before looking at the other male. "You know how protective she is of him."

Angelo scowled and shrugged his shoulders. "I know," he said coldly. He looked at me. "You don't have to worry about us, Alpha. We know better than to touch any hair on your head."

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now