Chapter 48

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My uncle had agreed with me that something was wrong with Parker. He didn't go into too many details, but he had been watching Parker the whole time he was there causing Parker to act more nervous than he normally did. He didn't try anything, promising me that he would let me handle everything as well as helping me if I needed help.

I promised him that I would, or at least have someone from my group, contact him if I needed help. I had to swear it in French and using the LeBlanc's honor code because he knew I might not ask him for help if I didn't.

After he left on Sunday, I started to get to work scouting and tracking Parker using some of my group members that decided to "hide out" near the pack. They promised to contact me if Parker tried to leave which he didn't do until Monday night.

I had been dozing until Sergio warned me that Parker was moving around and about to leave. I bit back a groan because I was in the arms of the man that I loved and wanted to stay near him.

Unfortunately, I knew that I wouldn't be able to, so I tried to slip out of my lover's arms and go see what was happening.

Tried to being the keywords because as soon as I moved to get out of the bed, Xavier grabbed my arm and pulled me back with a soft oomph.

Xavier moved so that he was on top of me and opened his blue eyes, causing my heart to skip a beat. He blinked tiredly and frowned. "Where do you think you are going?" he asked, his voice cracking.

"The Guardsmen "secret hideout,"" I replied. "Sergio wants me to design something and won't take no for an answer."

Xavier grunted and laid down on top of me. "You aren't going," he said, laying his head on my chest. "I am tired."

"And, acting like a grumpy two-year-old," I teased, moving a hand through his black hair. "I promise I will be back as soon as I am done with him."


"He swore that he will "kidnap" me if I don't go, and to be frank, I don't want a sack over my head."

Xavier grumbled something underneath his breath causing me to pull his ear hard. "Ow, Cass," he said, lifting his head until he was staring at me, annoyed. "What was that for?"

I gave him a look causing him to slowly blink. "He will get me away from you, trust me, and you will be angry as to how he does it."

Xavier scowled, and I could tell that both he and his wolf didn't like that.

Slowly, I leaned down and kissed his lips, causing Xavier to move forward and kiss me hard. I rested my forehead on his, breathing heavily after our makeout session, feeling as if I was on top of the world. "I have to go," I whispered.

Xavier grumbled but nodded his head. He moved until he was off of me and watched as I slid out of bed. "Will you come back?" he asked, causing me to walk over to his side of the bed.

I leaned down and kissed him, slowly pulling away. "If I am alive, I will always find a way to come back to your side," I whispered, making a silent oath and feeling it tighten around me.

Xavier chuckled and pulled me down for another soft sweet kiss. "No more Worbers," he whispered, letting me go.

I smile and walked to the room where my son slept, having what I needed ready and laid out in that bathroom. I paused at the French doors and turned to look at him with a hand on the door. "Yes, Alpha," I teased before slipping into the room and shutting the door just as Xavier threw a pillow at it.

'Don't make me show you how much of an Alpha I can be,' Xavier growled out, lust filling his voice. 'Stop teasing me, or else I will show you.'

My face turned red as he said that, and a wave of want washed over me as I closed the link between us. I knew that he would do it and prayed that he would be able to do it soon, just as soon as Camen was dead, and I was free from the bond that held us together.


I watched as Parker walked into the forest alone and waited as he passed underneath the tree that I was in.

His pace was brisk and filled with dread as he walked through the sort of chilly night as summer turned to fall. He was facing forward, his face filled with worry as he wove through the trees and flinching at each sound that happened when one of my group or I jumped from tree to tree.

Finally, Parker couldn't take it anymore and turned around until he was facing the way that he came from. His heart pounded in his chest filling the silent night with a fast thump, thump, thump. "Come out," he growled, looking this way and that. "Come out, whoever you are. I thought I told you not to work in this area."

Nothing. There was no sound except for his breathing and his heartbeat, ours being hidden by the dark outfits we wore.

No one came out of the forest to greet him, and there was no movement by us that were gathered around him.

We were all frozen as we watched him, waiting for him to continue the way he was going.

Finally, Parker groaned and moved a hand through his hair. He grimaced as he moved a hand over his face before shaking his head. "This is a bad idea," he muttered. "This is a fucking stupid idea. Damn it, Parker. What were you thinking?"

Ya, what were you thinking? I asked, silently. Now, hurry along so we know where you are going.

Parker sighed and shook his head before starting to continue on his way. This time, he was walking slower and slower as we grew closer and closer to the pack border. He was becoming more and more hesitant as if he didn't know if he should continue or not.

Once he reached the pack border, he stopped and took a deep breath. His heart pounded a mile a minute in his chest, and I could tell that he was dreading to take that final step off the pack border.

He took a deep breath and was about to take that final step when he suddenly stopped as soon as I asked, "where do you think you are going?"

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now