Chapter 43

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I finished what I could, my anxiety getting the best of me and making it that I couldn't finish eating. I knew that I wouldn't be able to eat anything else if I didn't complete this.

I took a deep breath in and let it out as I excused myself from the table, pulling Xavier up with me. I glanced at my uncle, silently asking him to come with us.

My uncle nodded his head and followed us into the meeting room. He stayed silent as he sat down in his chair and watched as Xavier and I sat down together in the same chair with Bryson still in my arms. "Ready?" he asked when we were settled in.

"Uh... ya, ya, I think so," I said, causing him to nod his head. I placed my head on Xavier's shoulder and watched as my uncle placed in my other uncle's number.

My uncle answered the phone on the second ring. "Sebastian," he said, instantly, causing me to raise an eyebrow and him to shrug. "What is it? Is she dead?" Concern filled voice, and I could have sworn that I heard his voice shake.

"No, no, she is alive and breathing," he replied, leaning back in his seat.

My uncle sighed and moved a hand across his face. "I have received a call from her mate a couple of months ago," he said. "I should have told you, I apologize."

"I am aware of the call," he said. 'I will tell you later,' he said, causing me to nod my head. He glanced at the male before him before looking at me. 'Xavier knows.'

'I know, I felt him stiffen.'

Uncle Brody sighed with relief, and I could tell that he had scratched his face. "So, she finally left that little punk ass bitch," he said, the disgust in his voice surprising me. "Do you know where she is?"

"I do," he replied.

"Is she safe?"


"Is she at the castle or at the base?"

"No, she is hiding out in a pack setting. It is the best option for her and her two cousins." He made no mention of my son, and I was grateful.

"Has she contacted you?"

"Of course."

My uncle hummed. There was no jealousy in that hum as if he knew that I was more comfortable with him than with a blood relative. "Have you seen her recently?"



"And..?" He raised an eyebrow.

My uncle huffed. "Sebastian, I am not a fan of riddles. There is always a reason as to why you call me. If you didn't call me to inform me that she is dead, then you called me because..." He trailed off as if he thought of something. "Little Cassie?" he asked, his voice shaking. "Are you there?"

I cleared my throat. "Uh... hi, Uncle Brody," I said, shifting in my seat.

Uncle Brody sighed with relief, and he cleared his throat. "Goddess, don't worry me like that," he said, his voice cracking. "I was about to go over there and get you myself."

"And... do what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Send you to France, of course," he replied. "Or, see if you can't be placed in a pack where you would have been safe from him."

"Which pack?" I asked, letting my dissatisfaction show.

"Which pack are you at now, and what rank are you?" he shot back, causing me to cringe.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, not knowing what he would think about me being with Xavier. I knew that my Uncle Bryson would have hated it, even though I completely understood Xavier and how it felt to be treated like a monster.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now