Chapter 54

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A/N: I hope you have your tissues.


After getting everything and paying for the bill, Xavier and I walked out of the restaurant holding hands.

On the way back to the pack house, I was quiet, too quiet, and I could tell that Xavier was worried.

My mind felt blank but was going a mile a minute as I processed all of the new information I had received from Donovan, Joel's father.

Three days... I only had three days to get out unless I wanted Camen to kill Xavier, and that was not enough time. It meant that I had to get into an argument with him and make him think that I had turned against him overnight.

This weight appeared on my shoulders as my heart clenched with dread. All of the populations were counting on me to get this right and fix the mistake that I had let live longer than I should have.

It meant that I had to give up the happiness that I had found and might never get back, no matter how hard I wanted to be with the source of my joy.

I could feel Xavier's gaze on me as I pulled into the garage but didn't meet it. Both of my hands were on the steering wheel, and I didn't realize how tight I was holding onto it until after I let go.


"Can you put the food in the house please?" I asked, my voice clipped. I internally winced when he winced but stayed stone cold on the outside. "I need to check on the kids."

Xavier let out a frustrated growl as he moved a hand across his face. "Is that all?" he asked in a tone that I prayed I'd never had to hear again. It was dark and filled with anger, an anger that he was feeling with me because I did not give him any reason why I was acting like some stuck bitch.

"Yes, thank you," I replied. I handed him the keys and opened the door, making sure that I didn't touch him as I walked out of the car.

"Ca-" he began again before stopping when I slammed the door shut and walked quickly away from the car.

I turned on the earpiece and felt only Charlie on the line. 'Is everyone except you gone?' I asked, practically running up the steps.

'Yes,' he replied. 'I had told Commander to call them back to the main base. He is curious but will not ask because I said that you had planned something and needed them gone.'

I sighed, feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted. This was putting too much strain on my body, but I knew that it would be worth it in the end. 'Thank you,' I said, letting him hear the exhaustion in my voice.

'Are you sure you want to do this?' he asked.

'Yes,' I replied, instantly. 'This is all my fault. If I had read his file, to begin with...' I couldn't finish that sentence and shook my head, grimacing. The guilt was eating me alive, and I knew that things could have gone differently.

'Then things could have gone differently, and you could have been killed by your own mate,' Charlie said. 'Don't think that some or all of this is your fault. It isn't.'


'Do you want me to send you his file?' he asked, interrupting me.

I stayed silent as I checked on all three kids before going into my shared bedroom with Xavier. I closed my eyes and took in his sweet scent before opening them. 'I want to know what group he is affiliated with, if he is affiliated with any, besides the packs, who he is affiliated with, and the bare minimum that won't make me kill him the first time I see him again.'

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now