23. drinks on us?

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October 10th, 1986. Hotel in Glasgow. 1:02. A.M.

My legs wobbled, staggering into the bedroom. I couldn't bare the weight of my body afterwards, it literally felt like a piece of me had vanished, which was practically true in a sense. Curt's dozy snores filled the room, I sound I adored for years, for some their husband's snores keep them up all night, but not his, they soothed, helped me surrounded to the night.

I place a hand down on the bed to steady myself onto it, I couldn't deny the guilt swelling up in my body. It's been so long since I had truly cried, but tonight was unavoidably painful. I held back everything to avoid waking him up. To no avail, the bed shifts and his sleepily voice says, "Where have you been?"

I laid back on the pillow, "A night club." I lied, I became so good at lying, I was starting to believe myself. Truthfully, it took me the whole cab ride back to the hotel to make that excuse up, nothing else came to mind. "We should go tomorrow night." He manages over, dazedly ready to return to sleep.

I reach back to his forehead and push his tussled hair back, nothing could outdo his soul, his utter beauty was enough. His eyes follow backwards at my touch.

I shifted into comfort and he draped near me. His arms held me so tightly, in that moment I was so submerged in everything about him, I couldn't think of why I had been unfaithful, he consumed my soul entirely.

Upon hearing him fall back into slumber, A gut wrenching pain rips its way through my chest, all the way up to my eyes. Tears race down my cheeks and onto the pillow below my head. The truth will come out soon, and I'm not ready for it.

October 10th, 1986. Streets of Glasgow . 8:53 P.M.

I searched the entire day for a great night club to take everyone too and finally found one around the corner from the hotel. We all get dressed up and go over, the entire place is packed.

I followed everyone towards the club. The music was so loud from outside, I wondered how ear piercing it would be upon entering. Kate let me borrow one of her cocktail dresses, we looked like a pair of Paris and Nicole's together. I stared at the flashing neon lights with exhilaration, it was finally a night where i could let loose.

The bouncers knew the band and let us in straight away, I head straight for the top balcony, already needing fresh air from this stuffy room. Curt, Ian and Manny go to the bar. Roland is nowhere to be seen, probably making out with Kate somewhere. For once I didn't care about being alone.

I climbed the stairwell, passing by a fleet of drunk girls, all giggling and trying not to spill their drinks. The wind hits me as I step onto the empty roof top, my hair blows in every single direction, relieving me of the heat.

I dangle my arms carelessly over the cement barrier, high above the busy street below. In one hand half a glass of chardonnay and a cigarette in the other. This was the first one since before the tour, I still can't imagine my life without travelling now.

Rumpus music downstairs was just out of ear shot up here. A sudden tingle shivers through my body, I felt as if I wasn't alone anymore. I turn around, taking a long drag of the smoke, Roland couldn't have been any less discrete. Although I've seen him every day for the last couple of months, I felt less comfortable in his presence now. "You're a hood." I smirked, "Why did you follow me?"

"Oh, my my my." he mocked, acting all surprised, "How'd you know I followed you? Maybe I just came up here on my own account." I give him a once over, while licking my bottom lip and butting out the smoke on the ground with the tip of my heel, "Have you seen where Curt went?" I sucked my lip, moving past him.

I'm stopping by his grip on my forearm, "You don't need him." he said with those serious eyes. I jerked my arm violently away and went over to the empty bar inside. He followed again and leaned into the unattended case, pulling out a nice bottle of something. I take two shot glasses and he poured you a big one, "Are you trying to get me drunk?" I cock an eyebrow, before downing the drink. He sighed coolly, "Why the hell are you being like this?"

"Like what? I snapped back. "You know what I mean, don't act dumb."


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