26. i love you

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So rushed off my feet, I didn't even call a cab, or let one of the boys drive me. I just ran and ran, as fast as my legs could take me, panting down the street towards the hospital.

I prayed he was okay, I just knew he had to be, but a deep feeling inside told me otherwise. I must've looked like a crazy woman, I didn't change, I didn't do anything but sprinted out of the hotel when Ian told me.

The door zips open, I dashed worryingly into the busy emergency ward of the hospital and past the front desk, I turn back to find a nurse speaking to a police officer, "Curt Smith, where is he?" I rushed speaking, she couldn't understand me, so I repeated again, "I need Curt Smith."

"I'm sorry, but you'll need to take a seat." She said, walking around to the desk. I followed her, just as Tony and the band walked through the hospital doors. I was fuming, about to pounce at her, "God damn it let me see my husband!" I screamed so loud, people looked in my direction. Tony raced over and took me over to the waiting area, apologising to the nurse over and over.

I couldn't stop my violent shaking, and just had to stand up. I passed back and forth, unable to keep still for more than two seconds. I ran my hands over my face, and through my knotty hair, it felt like forever. I couldn't wait any longer, Tony noticed I was getting antsy again, and forced me to sit down. My legs jiggled in place as I took a seat, "C'mon Curt." I whined, squeezing my eyes shut.

Finally, a nurse walked out of the big doors and called out "Curt Smith's family?" I launched off the chair and practically fell over my own feet, "Yes!" I exclaimed, eager to see him. She smiled and gestured us to follow her, "He can have visitors now. Our team found him with a grade 3 concussion, which means it was serve enough to make him have temporary loss of memory, luckily he's recovered from that, he will still have a very sore head and will need help doing simple things for a couple of weeks."

She pointed us to a room on the right, I felt my heart stop as I saw him laying on the bed with an IV drip in his arm. He looked so perfect. I slowly crept into the room, when he noticed me the entire room brightened up with his smile.

I couldn't hold back the tears as I ran over to him. I sprawled into his arms, harshly sobbing into his shoulder, he rubbed my back, pushing his lips against my head and breathing my hair in.

I looked up at him with watery eyes of happiness, "You're an idiot." I said, laughing, as I wiped the tears, "God. I love you." I wanted to scream it out until my voice breaks, even if I hated myself for all I've done. 

After his released from the hospital, the band collectively decided to withdraw from the rest of the tour as Curt couldn't play. Upon returning to the hotel, Curt was engulfed by tight hugs from everyone. We both looked like hell, went through it too but now he was back with me... that's all I could ask for... The next day we boarded a plane for home...

A/N: didn't edit again, ik ik im bad

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