30. i still love you

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October 16th, 1986. Curt's and my house. 7:51. P.M.

As I passed the living room, my immediate attention is caught on the broken window, the glass shattered in a billion pieces all over the ground. I wondered where my dear husband could be. I prayed he wasn't hiding, ready to pounce out and murder me. Not that I didn't deserve it.

I crept to the kitchen, that's where I stopped in my tracks and saw him. He knew I was there, but his eyes remained somewhere else. He held one hand out on his thigh, jeered open with a large cut on his palm, the blood soaked through his pants and dripped onto the tiles. He couldn't even look up at me. It was too late for any redemption. I stood there, sappy, pathetic, little girl, that's all I was.

He managed to calm himself down, even though he still was shaking violently and wanted to starting bawling. I wanted to do the same. I wanted to bawl right in his arms, but I knew it would never be the same.

He spoke in a whispered tone, barely managing, "I thought we were different." he said, finally looking up at me. His eyes swollen red, and watery, I could see the damage I had caused him, "Were you purposely trying to destroy me?" he strained, looking utterly exhausted.

"I lost control of the situation." I mumbled, thinking of how stupid I was to say that to him. I was met with his raised voice, "You lost control of the damn situation? You're my wife!" I've never seen him this angry in my life, "Was my wife." He added.

"Was?" I croaked, trying to hold back the sobs building up. "What? Do you think it's the best of both worlds for you? You're a lying cheating whore." He snapped, "You're not worth it. You. You were the one who ruined us, not me."

"I still love you." I sniffed, knowing the titanic of tears was one step away from unleashing, "You can beat me, divorce me, take everything and even deprive me of air if you have too. My words still stand the same, God damn it Curt I love you. Even if you still don't love me."

A/N: short but im finishing this story today, a couple more then it's done :)

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