27. who will be

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October 13th, 1986, Curt's and my home.  2:19. A.M.

I woke up to the house phone ringing, Curt was fast asleep, too exhausted from the flight. He had major jet lag and collapsed onto the bed as soon as we got home, he's been asleep ever since. I glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. Who the hell would be calling at this time? I thought about leaving the phone, but it just kept on ringing.

I crept out of the bedroom, and to the phone, "Hello?" I barely spoke. I waited for the person on the other end to say something, but became to impatient, "You know it's ru-" "I need you." Roland said weakly. The blood completely drained from my face, I looked around the kitchen, "Roland?"

"Look, I'm at a motel. I can't..." the phone cut his words off, "What? Where are you?" I asked, frantic to know what was happening. "I'm on the corner of fifth." He barely managed out. "Okay. Okay. I'm coming. Stay there." I said, hanging the phone up. I grabbed the keys to Curt's car, I didn't have a license yet, but I knew enough to get where I needed to be.

I stole his jacket as well, throwing it over my pyjamas and wasted no time getting dressed. I drove a few miles to the motel, I wondered why he wasn't at home with Kate, or why he didn't come over to our house like he used too. But then I remembered, I lost him as a best friend. I pulled up outside the motel, there were only two cars in the parking lot. I pulled up next to his.

From below I could see him sitting with his legs dangle over the edge of the second floor. I walked under him and looked up, "What are you doing?" He was staring straight ahead, quietly he spoke, "We had it made as friends." He shakes his head, "We fucked it, kid." He mumbled, biting the end of his nail, as if desperate for an answer, "Before we end it, I just want you to know that I'm in love with you."

"I know." I told him. I could barely look at him anymore, it was terrible, he looked down at me with those sad eyes. What could I say? I loved him too. But I loved Curt...I found myself walking up to him, I sat next to him on the top floor. Placing his face in my hands, I moved my head so close to him that I could see in his drowsy brown eyes, "I know." I repeated.

For another time, for the thousandth time, his lips brushed against mine and it felt like I was free again. The taste of his mouth drugging me with every movement, now I was internally confused, again and again and again. 

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