Chapter 4

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"Della." I shoot straight up from my sleeping position, pushing the threat away with as much strength as I can muster in my groggy state. I stumble back, dizzy from all the blood rushing to my head. Bracing myself against the opposite wall I squeeze my eyes shut trying to gain control of my balance again. I hear a large crash and a thud reminding me that I am not alone in this cell.

I open my eyes and let out a gasp at the sight in front of me. I take a cautious step forward

"I'm so sorry Violet! Are you o.k? Oh my God. I didn't mean to! I-you startled me." I stumble over my words trying to form a coherent response. Violet is slumped against the wall across from me full of food that was on a tray that she must of been holding, and is now in the corner of the cell upside down. I take slow steps toward her with my hands up in as if surrendering.

"It's o.k., Della. I guess I shouldn't have startled a rogue. No offense taken." She slowly pushes herself up into the sitting position. I lean down to grab her hand, helping her up. I can't believe I hurt the one person who has been nice to me since my arrival.

"I feel horrible." I express honestly. She has food spilled all over the front of her clothes. She looks down and tries to pick off pieces of fruit stuck to her shirt. After she realizes that it's no help she looks back up at me. To my surprise she doesn't look angry.

"It's fine Della. I just came to give you some dinner clearly." She chuckles before continuing. "Also to tell you that Alpha Aidan is back but he had a quick emergency phone call to take so he'll meet with you once he's done."

"Violet, I really didn't mean to. I'm not used to getting woken up like that." She gives me a sympathetic smile. "No, don't give me pity eyes.." I whine.

"I'm fine, come here." She pulls a key out her front pocket. Realizing it's for the cuffs I lift my wrists. She unlocks the handcuffs putting them in her back pocket. She heads toward the cell door, opening it while turning around to face me. "Are you coming or not?" She smirks.

I move to follow her. We walk down the pitch-black hallway to the front door. When she swings the door open I notice that it is now dusk, the sun is almost all the way gone behind the trees. The guards on each side of the door give me a brief look yet do not stop either of us.

"Where are we going?" I question since I know Alex said I wasn't supposed to leave the cell until the Alpha was ready to see me. We turn and head down a path I haven't been down since my arrival.

"Well, I'm going to quickly change, and I'm sure Aidan will be ready to talk to you by the time I'm finished. I'm just saving someone a trip back to the cells to retrieve you." Nodding I look up to where we are headed. A huge building that can only be the pack house comes into view.

I feel uneasiness settle over me suddenly.  I try to push it away, but it sits and chews away at me as we get closer. I assume it's just been so long since I've been in a pack, and around so many wolves at once. In my old pack I usually stayed away from the rest of the pack for obvious reasons.

When we walk through the foyer I can see into the living room full of teens. Upon me entering the room they all snap their heads in our direction. They all hold either confused, angry, scared, or upset expressions, yet none of them speak up and question their Beta.

When I see one of the older ones, whom I recognize from the earlier group of boys, eyes glaze over I get slightly nervous. He's mind linking someone probably alerting them of my presence in the house. If Violet notices, she pays no mind and ascends the stairs with me right on her heels.

After climbing up four flights of stairs, she finally heads down a hallway. The doors are farther apart than on the other floors, letting me know that this floor is for high-ranked pack members only. We walk straight, then make a right. I almost run right into Violet at her abrupt stop in front of a door. On the right side of the door next to the door handle there is a security key-pad. She swiftly stands in front of it blocking my view, and punches in a password. The door-lock clicks loudly and she steps in, pulling open the door to allow me to enter.

Behind the door is a large living room with floor-to-ceiling windows. To the right are two couches and a television above the fire place. To the left is a doorway leading into a medium sized kitchen, and by the windows is a large dinning room table with chairs to seat more than enough company.

"You have a lovely home." I can tell by the way it decorated and the atmosphere of the place that is very valued to her and her mate. She gives me a genuine smile with a whisper of a thank you before heading for a hallway attached to the living room.

"Make yourself at home I'm just going to quickly change and then we can head down to see if Aidan's ready." She doesn't stick around to see my reaction. I walk toward the window to look out at the view. It's now twilight out and some home's porch lights are on, creating a haunting glow throughout the forest.

It reminds me of the few good memories that I hold onto of my old pack. How at the end of every day no matter how good or bad, everyone went home to whatever family they had and got to unwind. It was always a peaceful time of the day, and one of my favorites.

I don't have time to react when I hear the lock click behind me. The door slams open violently crashing into the wall. Alex storms through heading straight for me with his hazel eyes holding nothing but fury. I try to dodge him, but he's quick and grabs me by my throat holding me up against the wall.

"You think you can just manipulate my mate into letting you out huh? Where is she? I swear to the moon if she has one hair out of place, you're dead." Alex threatens, and I know full well, without a doubt, he is one-hundred percent serious. I take my good leg and try to kick out at him so he will loosen his grip. Unfortunately, it has the opposite effect on him. He knocks my head back into the wall, while cutting off my air supply a little more as well. Just as I start to get light-headed, I see Violet come back into the room.

"What the hell are you doing? Alex!" She runs over to us and tries to pry him off me. "Let her go you dumb-ass!" She screams. He loosens his grip just enough for me to take a deep wheezing, breath. He turns his head toward Violet.

"Why is she out of her cell? Did she harm you? Are you o.k?" He looks her up and down for injuries. She shakes her head, rolling her eyes.

"No, I brought her here of my own volition. Now, let her go! She's losing consciousness." Violet's loud pleas distract me from the new presence in the room. It's only when a loud echoing growl resonates throughout the room do I notice the man.

He is standing in the entryway with wild dark green eyes. His disheveled dark brown hair and clothes tell me he rushed here. When me make eye contact I go limp in Alex's grip. This cannot be happening. it's just not possible. My whole life I've been told this moment would never come. He's dead and this is some nightmare that I can't wake up out of.

He snaps out of his daze when he notices I have stopped fighting. "Let her go, now!" He bellows startling both Violet and Alex. Alex's vice-grip is gone in an instant, leaving me heaving and coughing on the floor. But instead of catching my breath, I begin hyperventilating. I get on my hands and knees and start to drag myself as far away from this nightmare as possible.

The minute I feel the tingles on my upper arm I scream out. Just as fast as the came, they are gone. Violet bends down trying to calm me down and ask what's wrong. I just collapse onto the floor from exhaustion. I know I'm mumbling 'it's not possible' over and over again, but's it's as if my brain has gone numb.

The ringing in my ears and background noise is all I hear. Violet is telling me 'everything is going to be o.k.' and 'to take deep breaths' sounds like we are underwater. I can hear crashing and glass shattering. Finally I hear him screaming for someone to get the doctor.

I hear his voice, the one thing I have always been told isn't possible. I hear his angelic voice with a scared and frantic tone yelling orders at someone in the room. I hear him, my mate.

Song: Between the Wars by Allman Brown

Thank you to everyone who has read my book so far it means so much. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did don't forget to vote! Until next time.

~Stella Gordon

Rogue To Luna Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang