Chapter 8

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"You were going to just leave." Well now I feel bad. Aidan's expression stirs a painfully guilty feeling in my stomach. I don't like the feeling of wanting to please another. It's been a while since I've had to consider someone else's feelings.

"I was just trying to save everyone the time and effort." He looks angry now. Emeric and Alex stand behind him looking beyond conflicted. Aidan cuts right to the chase by throwing the folder on the bed, letting the contents spill out on the comforter. I can see my old warrior ID picture with some medical history. The rest of the papers are covered. "Care to explain."

"Yes they are my parents. Does that make me just like them? No." I see slight relief behind his eyes. That only infuriates me more knowing he didn't trust me fully. Emeric pipes up from behind him.

"Why did you leave?" I can see why he's asking again. For all he knows I've been lying to all of them this whole time.

"I've never lied to any of you since I have arrived." Alex scoffs.

"Della King." He says. I suppose he has a point, but it is my name.

"That's been my name for seven years now. I left my pack when I was lead to believe my mate died." Aidan sits on the bed running his hand down his face.

"Della your pack record says you died eight years ago." My eyebrows knit together at this new information. My parents aren't stupid they would have known I ran away. I rush over to the pile of papers next to Aidan.

All packs have access to a data base where you can search basic info on any wolf. I see a piece of paper with my profile on it, and sure as shit it has my birth date and right under it says death date. It says I died the day I left.

"I left that night. It was probably two in the morning when everyone was asleep. I waited until the patrol shift to slip out." I tell them while still looking over the paper.

"Why would they say you're dead?" Alex seems puzzled. I shrug in response. I mean sure I guess they could assume I was dead because not many survive being a rogue. Most parents would look for their kids for a while and then announce them dead. Too bad my parents aren't like most.

"Fletcher!" I gasp. I told my brother I would come back for him. Made him promise to always keep his head up and not go down the wrong path. If he believes I'm dead goddess knows what else they've told him. Aidan is suddenly alert.

"Who's Fletcher?" I can hear the jealousy he's trying so desperately to cover up. I snort at his frustrated face.

"Calm down. He's my brother." I was waiting until he turned eighteen before finding him, but it looks like I'm going to have to speed up this process. I just hope they haven't corrupted him yet.

"I need to go get him." All three tense up. They must also assume he is just like my parents.

"Why do you need to go get him?" I notice Emeric is inching towards the door.

"I promised him when I left that I would come back to get him. He was only 9 at the time. Later I decided it was best to wait until he was 18 so our parents can't go the legal route to get him back."

"No offense, but I doubt your parents are going to start going with the legal route after all these years." Emeric of course tries to make light of the shitty situation. I laugh at how true his statement is.

"I have to go get him." I make sure to hold eye contact with Aidan so he knows how serious I am. I can tell he's weighing his options at the moment so I turn toward Alex and Emeric. "Can you guys get me Fletcher's file?" Alex looks to Aidan for approval. Aidan nods before turning his attention on me.

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