Chapter 12

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When I woke up this morning I almost yelled at Aidan until I saw it was me who had wrapped my arms around him in the night. I quickly got out of bed as to not wake him up and sprinted to my room. After showering and changing I am now in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone.

I feel bad that I wasn't there to help yesterday, so I figured I'd let them rest this morning by not having to worry about cooking. I would have thought being a rogue for so long would have put a damper on my cooking skills. I'm pleased to see that every dish has turned out amazing. I even set the table with dishes, and placed all the food in the middle of the table.

I lay the plate with bacon toppling over it down when arms wrap around my waist. If it wasn't for the tingling I would have flipped him over and ruined breakfast. Aidan pecks my cheek.

"You didn't have to do all this." I turn around around in his arms and give him a proper good morning kiss.

"I know, but you all went through a lot yesterday so I want to help in any way I can." I can tell he just woke up and stumbled out here by the sleep still lingering in his eyes. His brown locks are sticking up in the back with bed head. I reach over his shoulder and try to smooth them down.

"You are truly amazing. How. Did. I. Get. So. Lucky." He punctuates each word with a kiss to my face. I screech as he starts to tickle my sides.

"Okay it's too earlier for this shit." Ryder walks straight for the coffee maker grabbing himself a cup. I'm glad to see his arm is out of the sling. Although he still has a slight limp he appears to look overall better.

"Sorry." I blush in embarrassment of being caught. I pry Aidan's hands off my waist and turn for the doorway, but Aidan cuts me off before I can escape.

"Already woke them up." Damn. I wanted a minute to let my flaming cheeks lose a little color. By his smirk he knew exactly what I was trying to do. I walk and sit in my usual spot to Aidan's left, and just as usual he pulls my chair closer to him.

"Thank you for doing all of this." He gives me a quick kiss before pilling food onto his plate. I start to eat my pancakes and almost choke when Emeric sprints into the room yelling.

"Do I smell cinnamon rolls?!" Aidan rubs my back as I cough on the food stuck in my throat. Emeric once told me he loves cinnamon rolls with extra frosting, but no one makes them because they make him too hyper. Aidan's fork drops onto his plate as his eyes zero in on the plate stacked full of cinnamon rolls.

My coughing turns into laughter as Aidan groans putting his head in his hands. I nudge him with my elbow effectively getting his attention.

"Let him have his fun, today is supposed to be about celebrating." From the corner of my eye I look at Emeric shoveling his favorite food in his mouth. Maybe I shouldn't have made so many.

"You're right. How about after breakfast you hang out with me for awhile?" He might put up a calm facade, but I can see right through it to his nervousness that I'll reject his offer.

"Of course." I swear his smile stretches from ear to ear, and his eyes glow with excitement and a tad bit of mischief.

Any nerves he had are suddenly transferred to me as Violet and Alex walk in. I don't know how they feel about me after yesterday. When Alex doesn't start yelling right away at my presence in the room I visible relax.

They sit down and grab some food. A calm yet slightly awkward silence falls over the room. I don't want the pack to zone in on any tension between us tonight.

"I understand my past might put some of you on edge especially with this packs past. I will admit it hurt at first when you guys pushed me away and accused me of being behind the attack yesterday. After having a long talk with Ryder I understand your reasoning better. I just want everyone to know I don't hold a grudge, and will spend as long as I need to to show you that I am devoted to protecting and caring for this pack." I give everyone a small smile before we get back to eating. I'm caught off guard when Aidan bends down and gives me a kiss in front of everyone.

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