Chapter 33

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Dillion and two other guys continue to try and get a firm hold on my limbs as they carry me through the woods. I wiggle my one foot free kicking the shorter guy right it the nose. A sickening crack sounds right before he starts spitting expletives loudly.

"I think she broke my fucking nose!" He roars, spitting blood off to the side. I use the distraction to elbow Dillion's exposed ribs and lunge towards the tall dude. I reach for his waistband to try and grab the small dagger attached to his belt while punching him square in the face so he doesn't realize what I'm doing. I successfully slip it into the front the waistband of my jeans and cover it with my shirt without anyone noticing.

Unfortunately Dillion is fed up with my shit. I let out a gasp at the feeling of a knife sinking into the skin of my outer thigh, screaming when Dillion takes the extra step to twist it. He yanks it out without a care in the world, motioning for the two ingured guys to grab ahold of me. He slips his knife back into his pocket without bothering to wipe it off first. He steps forward squeezing my face in one hand forcing me to look up at him.

"Now we don't have to worry about you running off, so be a good girl and shut the fuck up." He taps my cheek a couple times lightly in a mocking manner. I grind my teeth trying to hold in all the sounds that come naturally with the pain coming from my leg.

Panic sets in as it hits me that Aidan is very much aware of my absence, and he would have felt the pain over the mate bond the second the blade pierced my skin. I just hope he doesn't do something to get himself hurt trying to find me.

"There you are." Blake exclaims as Dillion's goons throw me onto the grass in front of him. I huff out checking my leg only to see it's still oozing out blood. I apply pressure the best as I can to my thigh to control the bleeding.

"Where are you?!" The desperation in Aidan's voice breaks my heart. Relief of knowing he's okay outweighs the pain of leaving him. Dillion kicks me in the leg to gain my attention.

"Why are you doing this?" I look up at Blake dejected. The adrenaline rush from earlier is starting to wear off, and all the blood loss from my leg isn't helping the situation any further.

"You see darling daughter we had everything planned. You were supposed die out there as a rogue, and Fletcher was going to take over for me one day. Well after I groomed him to be an almost exact replica of myself, but then you showed up and that plan went to shit." I frown at his half assed explanation. There is no way he is doing all this just out of retaliation.

"I don't believe you." I shake my head not breaking eye contact with him. His delighted expression doesn't falter at my words instead his eyes glaze over for only a split second as his smile brightens.

"You dont have to believe me because either way this pack will be nonexistent by the end of the day." I'm trying to stay optimistic, but with each passing second it starts to look worse for us. If I want to do what I'm planning I'm going to need a distraction.

"Who's the traitor? You said you had someone working for you that was close to me, who is it?" I challenge him. I've come to the conclusion he just told me that to mess with me, and sadly it worked. Do I doubt he had people in our pack to spy on us for him? No. I'm positive we have traitors within our pack especially after the Annabella incident, but I couldn't find anyone in our family that showed any suspicious activities or reasons to betray us.

"Don't worry you'll find out in a second. They're on their way with your brother." He dismisses me casually turning his back to me and engaging in a conversation with the few men behind him. My heart rate increase at the thought of him being truthfully, and I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. He's a pathological liar why would he start being truthful now.

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