Chapter 35

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All the events start to rush back to me. I lift my hand over my side feeling around on my back until my fingers hit tape and a bandage. I don't try and mess with it knowing how severe the injury was. Instead I turn my attention back to Ryder.

"Hey. How are you doing?" I say, the raspiness of my voice startling me. Ryder shrugs looking around the room with a content expression.

"Good. I mean I'm alive right." He chuckles lifting his left arm which is all bandaged up. I gasp at he fact that he appears to be missing his hand. When he see my reaction he lays his arm back down so it's out of my sight. "Sorry I didn't know that you didn't know." He gives me a half smile. I blink back the tears not wanting him to feel bad.

"Did you just wake up?" I ask. I know I woke up those couple times but immediately passed back out. Thankfully I feel well rested this time so hopefully I won't pass out again.

"Yeah, the last thing I remember is Alex and some guys tearing Fletcher away from me." Ryder's fist clenches as he looks away in thought. He lets out a huff before turning back to me. "Did you guys catch him?"

"Aidan and I forced pack abandonment onto him. I don't think he got away after that, but I'm not sure."

"What happened to you?" He points to my positioning on the bed.

"Blake stabbed me in the back." I snort at the irony of the situation.

"How long have you been up for?" He lays back a bit relaxing. I look at the clock to see it's after dinner time.

"About a few minutes." I turn back to Ryder and he looks guilty.

"I'm sorry for waking you." I shake my head chuckling.

"It's okay, I'm glad you woke me up. So do you want to call Fletcher or should I call Aidan?" I don't want either of them worrying about us for a second longer.

"I'll tell Fletcher." Ryder's eyes glaze over mind linking Fletcher to let him know we are awake. I snuggle further into my pillow trying to get in a more comfortable position. I have a feeling that no matter how I lay my back will still hurt. "They're on their way." Ryder informs me while playing with the wraps on his injured arm.

We wait for another minute in comfortable silence. Rapid footsteps start from the end of the hallway and quickly approach our door. The door swings open and both Aidan and Fletcher rush inside. Aidan looks relieved and excited when his eyes land on me. He makes his way over to me crouching down next to my bed so that we are level with one another.

"Hey." He whispers with tears in his eyes as he brushes a few strands of hair out of my face. I smile back at him reaching out to touch his cheek.

"Are you okay?" I look for any obvious injures and relax when I see none. He shakes his head chuckling.

"You've been out for a two weeks and you're concerned about me." He kisses my forehead letting out a content sigh. I move to sit up too quickly and end up hissing out in pain. Aidan immediately grabs my arms to help me up.

"Two weeks! What's happened since then?" I look around the room as if there will be answers written on the wall. Aidan sits down on my bed next to me so we are sitting side by side.

"First I want to talk about your injuries. You're back should heal up fairly fast now that you're awake, but it's still fresh because Blake used a silver knife." He lets that sink in before he continues. "We had to keep sedating you because you kept trying to wake up, and you body was trying to heal so rapidly that it would have caused extensive damage to yourself and the baby." I freeze. I can't believe I forgot about that. I know I'm still groggy, but that should have been my first thought when I woke up.

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