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           Sasha awoke to the sound of yelling, and at this point she was so accustomed to the loud household that it didn't even phase her anymore

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Sasha awoke to the sound of yelling, and at this point she was so accustomed to the loud household that it didn't even phase her anymore. She laid in the same spot, not moving as her eyes tiredly stared at the ceiling.

Her weekend consisted of nothing but doing housework, and all she could think about was Friday night as she did laundry for everyone in the household, cleaned the dishes, moped almost every room and finished off with the bathrooms.

Usually those chores were split between her and Ty, but after he was her watching eye on Friday she now had to suffer and do twice the amount of work. Now that it was Monday, her body was sore and she was hoping it felt better before practice later. After laying in her same spot for a few more minutes, she finally raised up when her laptop began to go off. She left it open from the night before from watching family guy, and just before the video chat popped up it was still playing.

"Good morning" Chris smiled tiredly into his screen, his head against his pillow.

"Good morning" she smirked, and scratched her head roughly.

She turned from the laptop and started to search into her closet for her uniform.

"How was your weekend? I see my call wasn't answered yesterday" he said lifting one brow.

"Yeah sorry about that, I was swamped with chores. Oh, and" she turned back to the screen and smirked, "I went to a party"

"A party?" Chris responded to make sure he was hearing her right.

"Yeah, I snuck out" she shrugged as if it was an every day thing.

Chris nodded, and then began to double over in laughter. She frowned her face up, next rolling her eyes and turning to finish picking out her clothes for the day.

"Sorry, I just can't see you at a party" he admitted, "You, Sash?"

"Why is that so hard for you to believe?"

Sasha knew why, but dug for other reasons for why she didn't seem like the party type.

Chris shrugged and poked his bottom lip out, letting his brown eyes roll slightly. He didn't want to admit he was slightly jealous that Sasha went to a party without him, since back in D.C he wanted nothing but for them to be able to do cool shit like that but Sasha was always too scared. She had only been in Philly for no more than three weeks, and the fact that she had already started to branch out caused him to wonder who her new friends were.

"It's not....so who did you go to the party with?"

"My friend, her name is Lux. And we met these guys on the basketball team ~"

"Guys?" He asked.

"Yeah, guys?" she nodded with a slight giggle,
"And we got pizza after school. They invited us to a party and Lux wanted to go, so I got Ty to cover for me. You know how that went" she gave him a knowing look.

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