Chapter 1:

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I look in the mirror as I take a sip of the liquor. Most people think that woman that are a victim of rape tend to be wild but I am different, I can't stand to be touched, I've never been in love or loved anybody in a sexual way.

" You're on in five."

" Thanks." I smile.

I drink the rest of my liquor and head out. I am 5 foot 4, very light skin, long black hair with dark brown eyes. My heels echo as I walk down the hall to the curtains. I pull the curtains back and walk on to the stage. Some may say if you were raped, Why are you stripper. Ironic right? It's what keeps the bills paid. I don't do private lap dances. As long as I'm not getting touched. It's kind of okay with me.

All eyes are on me. The song Bad by Wale comes on. I grab the pole and swing around it slowly. I close my and feel the music. I should make a fortune from this song because it explains my situation so well.

After dancing to my song I head backstage to wait on my ride. It's 2 in the morning by the time I get home. I check my phone and I have a message.

* Hey Red this is Blue. I've missed you so much baby girl. Give me a call as soon as you get this. *

Blue? Who the hell is Blue? It finally hits me. Blue was my first. He was my only come to think of it. He was like my brother. He protected me from everything. I smile. I miss you too.

* Hey Blue. I miss you too. Long time no speak.*

* Thats good to hear. How have you been? *

* Good I guess. What are you doing up still?*

* I could be asking you the same thing but no I was waiting for you.*

* Awe...well i'm about to go to bed.*

*Awwwe...okay night Red.*

* Night Blue.*

Red placed her phone on the charger. She smiled. Blue had the exception. She loved Blue but not like that. He was like her big brother. Red turned off her light and layed down. She dreamed of their first time.

It was raining outside and her mind was everywhere. She had been hurt by her father. Red hopped out of her window and ran to Blue's house. She tapped his window.

" Oh My God Red! What happened?"

" Can I come in?" tears rolled down her cheeks.

" Yeah. Get in here before you get sick."

" Thank you." Red climbs in and stands by the window. She was soaking wet.

" Red what happened? Why are you crying." She just looks at him. Do I tell him? " Let's get you out of these clothes."

He rummaged through his closet to hand her some sweats and a shirt. He tossed it to her and she got undressed and changed. He got an instant boner. Her legs look so soft. The sweats didnt fit so she went without them.

" Now Red tell me what happened."

" dad, h-he raped me."

" What?!! Are you okay? Come here."

Blue gave Red a tight hug. She cried in his arms. She thought he smelt good. He looked her in her eyes and wiped her tears. She was so damn beautiful. He leaned down and kissed her. Suprisingly she kissed him back. They walked towards the bed. He began undressing her. He pushed her on the bed. She began to tingle all over. Blue climbed on top of her and kissed her. Red helped him undress. They lay there naked.

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