Chapter 27:

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Hi everyone. I need you guys to download Bon Jovi- Hallejuah. I will let you know what chapter when to use the song. Thank you. I Hope you guys are enjoying the Reads :).

Blue looks at his fiance. They have been here plenty of times. He takes a deep breath and kissed her cheek. The machines beep loudly. When he found her he thought she had died right in his arms. His eyes began to fill up with tears. He placed his hand on her belly. Baby you're safe now.

" You're a strong one baby. We been here before and you fought every time." He wipes his nose. " I love you sweet heart. With everything. I love the both of you."

Damn. He hoped that this was the last time because he wouldn't be able to hold back next time. He would kill him.

" Knock knock. Mr. Iverson?"

" Yes, that's me."

" Okay. I have her results."

" And?" He's anxious.

" She is doing great."

" And the baby?"

" It's doing pretty fine. But she needs to wake up soon because she has to feed her baby."

" How long will she be asleep?"

" Sir I don't know."

He takes a deep breath. " Okay, thank you."

" Please keep her clean. She has developed a sore on her lower back due to unsanitary environment."

" Unsanitary?"

" When you brought her here she was very smelly. She was very soaked in her own pee and seems that she had a bowel movement once or twice."

He looks at his fiance and balls up his fists.  "Okay thank you."

The nurse heads out. Blue takes a deep breathe and puts his head in his hands.

Red's heart began beating fast. She tried waking up to feed her child.  She hasn't eaten in 3 days. She breathes slowly,  realizing that she smells amazing. She smiles as she smells Blue. My baby.

Blue sees the smile on Red face. She must be in the twilight zone.

" Baby, can you hear me. Blink, try and move something."

She moved her eyes. Blue smiled. "Oh baby.  I love you so much you, I miss you so much,  wake up for me please." He just kept repeating those words. It was music to her ears. She held her smile for as long as she could then it began to slip and his voice became very far away.

He kissed her forehead and laid his head on her bed. Red began to hear the beeping sounds of the hospital. She shakes her head and rubs her eyes. In the mist of that, she stops. I'm moving. I'm moving! She grabs her stomach.

" Fuck!"

Blue pops up. "Baby! Baby! Are you okay?"

" I don't know." She shakes her head repeatedly." It feels so empty. I'm hungry."

" Okay. I'll be right back."

Blue runs out the room and to get something from the cafeteria. He returns with some healthy food and bottled water.

" Here you go baby drink this."

She grabs the bottle of water and drains the bottle.

" Damn. I brought you a baked salmon, broccoli with cheese, a baked potato, and some yellow rice. Made them chop everything up because I figured you was super hungry."

He barely put the plate down in front of her, and she is scarfing down her food. She felt that the food couldn't get in her mouth quick enough. He smiled at her because she was up and breathing.

" Damn baby. You know there is plenty more where that came from."

She stops what she's doing and looks up at him. She's so adorable with that mouth full of food. She swallows her mouth full of food.

" I'm sorry I'm just so hungry."

" I know baby. It's good to see you eating."

" It's good to see you." Red opened her bottle of water and drained it.

" Mmm." She has a grimaced look.

" You okay?"

" Give me your hand." Blue walks over to her and she grabs his hand and places it on her stomach.

" Hey there. Happy you're finally eating?" Her smile slowly fades. He looks up at her. " Baby...I'm so sorry."

" No it's okay. I'm ready to go to bed."

" Are you sure?"

" Yes. Will you come and lay with me?"

" No I can't. I want you to be comfortable."

" I've waited to be in your arms ever since that night. The baby and I need you right now." She reaches for him. " Please?"

He couldn't resist."Okay." He took off his shoes and climbed in with her. She held on to him tightly. He smelled of Blue. She leaned up to kiss him. He kissed her back, but when she tries to deepen the kiss, he pushes her away.

" Baby what's wrong?"

" I've missed you so much and I have an aching erection but not here. You wouldn't be able to be quiet and we would break this bed." She giggles then pouts. " Baby it will be okay. Just wait until we get home. You need your rest."

" Okay. Thank you."

" For?"

" Everything. Baby I love you."

" I love you too." He kisses Red. She cuddles him closer and closes her eyes. Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.


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