Chapter 31:

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   Blue and I woke up the next morning feeling anew. We looked at each other and smiled.

" Good morning beautiful."

" Good morning handsome."

He pilled the covers back and grabbed my belly.

" Hey there daddy's baby. How are you doing in there? Are you ready to come out? I can't wait to meet you."

Red smiles at him. The baby starts kicking. They both gasp in shock.

" Are you ready? For today?"

" Yes."

" Well then get off your ass and let's go." He smiles. 

    Blue packed extra clothes. He brought me some sweat pants and a tank top with my Sketchers. They are very comfortable. After we take our showers and kiss his mom good bye we head out and start planning the wedding.

" What kind of wedding do you want? A big one? A little one? One in Las Vegas? In the back yard?"

Red thinks for a minute. After a minute or two she finally decides. " The church. Having a baby is a new beginning, and last night I was a new beginning. It just feels right."

" Okay. So what church?"

" The one we grew up in."

" Oh yeah. We had some great times in church."

" Yes. It was very fun. You used to get me in trouble with your mom."

" How?"

" You wouldn't shut up. I was always dying in my seat messing with you."

" You'll be alright."

Red rolls her eyes and laughs. " We gone fight."

" Don't start nothing you can't finish now." He winks.

" Oh whatever." She rolls her eyes then bites her lips.

" Okay. Just wait until we get home. I'll give you something to bite your lips about." Her mouth drops open. " Babe, you might want to close your mouth before I put something in it."

She crosses her arms. " I'm not your friend anymore."

" Ehh, you're still my fiancée." He smiles.

" I can't never get the last word huh? How far are we from the church?"

" We're here."

Blue turns into the church. He gets out and gets Red door. She takes his hand, closes the door and they walk to the door.

" Pastor Sherman?" Blue calls out.

They go through the door. " Past-"

" Blue? Red?"

They both turn around.

" Hey Pastor Sherman."

" Hey you two what brings you guys here?"

" Pastor. I popped the question. We are getting married."

He stands there in shock. " You two?"

" Uhm...yes." We both look confused.

He throws his hands up. " Well its about damn time...uh, excuse me Lord."

They giggle. " We decided to get married here."

" Well I would be honored." He smiled. " Wow so how long have y'all been dating?"

" 8 months." Blue said.

" Wow. So sudden."

" Yeah I know. We've been in love forever. Might as well right?" They look at each other and smile.

The pastor smile grows bigger. " Child tell me something I Don't know. What's the wedding date?"

" December 31st."

" When are you guys due?"

" January 1st."

" So why a day before your due date?"

" I had wanted our child to grow up in a home where we are married. I want her to have a something I didn't have growing up. "

" And what's that Red?"

" Loving parents. "

" Oh Red. Well the church here is going to throw you guys the best wedding ever. On us."

" Oh wow. Really?" Blue was surprised.

" You guys are only getting married once. Why not go all out?"

" True. " Blue nodded in agreement.

" When are you having a wedding rehearsal?"

" 3 weeks from now and we're having a dinner."

" Well 3 weeks from now we will have a nice wedding rehearsal then a dinner."

" Okay. Thanks pastor." Blue shakes his hand then the Pastor reaches for Red's and she shakes it.

" You're very welcome. 3 weeks from now. Let's say around 4."

" After that, everyone will get dressed and come to my mom's house for dinner at 6. Don't be late."

" Oh I won't." He laughs.

" Okay. We would really love to have you there." Red said.

" It's an honor. See you guys 3 weeks from now. And drive careful."

" We will."

Blue and Red head back to the car. Blue opens her door, then climbs in on his side.

" Ready to get home?"

" Yes. I'M ready for you to give me a reason to bite my lips."

He smiles then cranks up the car. They head home.

   After 3 rounds of amazing sex, Red lays across Blues chest.

" Baby there is something that I have to do before we get married."

" And what is that?" She ask sleepily.

" If I tell you. You'll try and stop me."

" Is it illegal?"

" I hope not."

" Well if you really need to do it, be careful. I don't know I would do if anything happened to you."

" Me either baby. Give me a kiss."

She yawns, picks her head up and then kisses him.

" Good night baby. I love you."

She nods her head and mumbles I love you. 

   Next week comes up. Blue walks up to the officer and hands him money. The officer leads the way.

" Early recess."

They open the gates and they all run out like roaches.

" Yo Anderson?"

" What's up?"

" Let me holler at you for a moment." He hops out of his bed. " What you got on my books?"

" 200."

" Alright in the showers. I got you."

Nick and the officers walk towards the shower. When they get there. It's empty. The officer turns on the showers and leave. It starts to become foggy.

" Officer Stanford?! Hello?"

Blue gives him a right hook. " Surprise motherfucker!"

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