Chapter 8 - What did you say?

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound of the alarm clock began blaring in Eleta's ears. Her eyes slowly opened before sitting up swiftly in her bed and turning the buzzer off. Looking around the room, she sighed.

"Was I dreaming or did THAT just happen?"

She glanced down at herself. There were no white garments on her anymore. She picked herself off of her bed and came in front of a standing mirror at the corner of her room. No shining face or anything that seemed unordinary. So, was anything that she saw a few moments ago real?

Probably not, she thought as she headed over to the bathroom to wash her face and get ready for work. The water splashed against her face as she felt more alert around her and headed for the shower. Her clothes fell to the ground and her feet thumped against the shower floor. The cold droplets trickled down her head as she focused on the palms of her hand that held a small puddle of water.

The puddle began to vibrate against her palms and her hands moved the water around as it began to...float in the air! Dazed, Eleta looked at the puddle that used to be in her hands now in the air and being controlled by her hand movements. She blinked a few times before realizing what was happening and swung her hand back in fear, screaming.

The water splashed against the shower wall with a sudden gesture. Looking back down at her hands, she held her hand up to the showerhead and moved her hand to the right. The droplets followed her hands to the right. What was this? Could she control the water?

Eleta stepped back as she used both her hands to move the droplets that fell to the ground into the air swaying around in unity with her gestures. Eventually, she gained more control and was able to throw the droplets across the bathroom and bring it right back towards her without it touching anything.

Maybe her dream wasn't a dream after all. Was this the Holy Spirit's doing to protect those lost souls that Paul mentioned? But what was she supposed to do with the water?

She then recalled the images of her mother swirling flames around herself and her father to protect themselves from Caiaphas. She stared at her hands. So, these powers were supposed to protect her, just like her mother used them for. She sighed still pondering on the many questions that were filling inside her. But, what was she supposed to protect herself from? Caiaphas wouldn't be able to find her...would he?

As she got out of the shower, she glanced at the clock on the bathroom sink. It's 8:50! She was going to be late for work!

Dashing into her closet, she rummaged through her clothes until she found a nice pair of black pants and a white collared dress shirt that covered her arms. Eleta threw on her black heels with her phone and keys at hand before rushing out of her apartment.


Opening the door, the bell rang above her as Eleta entered the Latte Shop.

"You're one minute late." A short Asian girl with long straight black hair poked Eleta's cheek.

"Ahh, yes Lin, but please don't tell the manager!"

Eleta pressed her hands together pleading. Lin giggled as she pressed her finger to her mouth and continued sweeping the empty store before adding.

"It's a good thing she's out on vacation."

Wrapping the company apron around her waist, Eleta switched on the sign outside. The word 'open' radiated in blue and red lettering. Starting the coffee machines, Lin leaned against her broom staring at Eleta who was humming her song.

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